Good health and well-being

no povertyzero hungergood health and well-beingquality educationgender equalityclean water and sanitationaffordable and clean energydecent work and economic growthindustry, innovation and infrastructurereduced inequalitiessustainable cities and communitiesresponsible consumption and productionclimate actionlife below waterlife on landpeace, justice and strong institutionspartnerships for the goals

Good health and well-being

Decent work and economic growth Good health and well-being No poverty Social Sciences

Nordic Working Poor – the Case of Sweden

How Nordic countries with one of the finest working welfare policies exploit their migrants Maine Buying has come to Sweden to find a better life and brighter future for his wife and children. He was hoping to find a job...
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Gender equality Good health and well-being Natural Sciences News

Women, motherhood, and science in Colombia

Efforts to reverse trends of disengagement with studies, normalize motherhood in universities, and counteract gender disparities. Four stories, like cardinal points, to better understand the current map of Colombian women and science.In many parts of society, there are still strong...
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Good health and well-being Natural Sciences News Partnerships for the goals

India’s Covid Vaccination Capabilities: Major Supplier of Vaccines in Global South but Gaps in Own Strategies

India hosts the world’s biggest vaccine manufacturing units in the world and is expected to play a major role in providing vaccines to the Global South. However, India’s domestic vaccination strategies present a contradictory picture. Researchers point out several gaps...
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Applied Sciences Good health and well-being Life on land News Responsible consumption and production Social Sciences

Tracking environmental crimes in Ghana

Ghana is the leading producer of minerals, especially gold in Africa. But more than 35% of the country's minerals are extracted by small-scale miners, most of them operating illegally. Pollution from mining has contaminated water sources across the country with...
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Good health and well-being Natural Sciences Social Sciences

Girls drop out of school because of menstruation

Silence about menstruationIn many countries in the Global South menstruation is still perceived as taboo. During the time of menstruation girls and women must face many challenges, discrimination, harassment, social exclusion, and perceptions such as describing menstruation as shameful and...
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Good health and well-being Natural Sciences News

Older people in Denmark were mostly worried about other people getting infected with COVID-19

During the pandemic and the ensuing restrictions, the general picture in Denmark has been that older people have been much more worried about other people getting sick than they have been worried about themselves. Many were also worried about not...
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Good health and well-being Natural Sciences News No poverty Social Sciences

COVID-19’s extra torture on Kenya’s elderly

In the thick trees on the outskirts of Kisumu City in Kenya, a hut is as isolated as the 76-year-old woman who owns and lives in it alone. Without a child of her own, Mary Atieno had called people "son"...
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Good health and well-being Natural Sciences News No poverty

“Up here, it is as if the pandemic did not exist”

Seeing the capital from up here, in the hills high above the rooftops, our perspective changes. The distance is small, but mentally, this is another world. We’re in the neighbourhood of El Pilar – in the outskirts of Quito, high...
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Applied Sciences Good health and well-being News

The Pandemic Threatens Mental Health in Denmark and in the North

Isolation and loneliness during the lockdown has caused depressions and anxiety, especially among young people – but others with psychiatric diagnoses have experienced less pressure and actually felt relieved.Fear of being infected has forced many people in Denmark with a...
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Gender equality Good health and well-being News No poverty Quality education

“It is a lonely space”

Twenty-year old chef Amina (not real name) is as beautiful as they come. She speaks with melodic intonations and when she smiles, she bears the look of a happy girl. Behind that, however, is a life of emotional ruptures that,...
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Gender equality Good health and well-being News

Vulnerable Women Became even more Vulnerable During the Pandemic

Women in Denmark have been more vulnerable than men during the Covid-19 pandemic. It is true for employees at the forefront in the health and elderly sectors, and it is just as true for very vulnerable sex workers who lost...
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Gender equality Good health and well-being News

Sex-workers in Ecuador badly affected by the economic aftermath of COVID-19

Characterized by old, white colonial style buildings, the historical center of Quito is recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and normally well visited by tourists – foreign as well as national. It has also become infamous for insecurity reasons, issues with drug and alcohol use in the streets and theft. And then it is one of the areas where you find sex workers offering their services on the streets.
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Good health and well-being Quality education Resources

Mbete Youth Football Project sets the ball rolling in rural Zambia

African footballers have always enthralled the English Premier League fans, but have you ever thought of the hardships that they had to endure to reach up to that stage. Football is not just a sport for the youth in Africa...
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Applied Sciences Good health and well-being Opinions Social Sciences

Fake Nutrition News: How to Counteract Misinformation when Promoting Good Health and Well-Being

In August 2018, the Danish Government presented a new official food and health strategy to oppose bad eating habits and reduce negative effects lifestyle diseases have on the mortality rate. The strategy consisted of 14 concrete initiatives divided between 7...
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Good health and well-being News Partnerships for the goals Peace, justice and strong institutions

Ethnographic Research: One Man’s Long Journey to PhD

Sulayman Mpisi Babiiha’s PhD experience represents the epitome of perseverance of an academic. His account is touching, but because he speaks with so much calmness, I can take it in with some ease. He has been pursuing his PhD certificate for ten years and he won’t give up the hope yet.
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Art and Humanities Good health and well-being Reviews

REVIEW: Veronica Velasco’s Nuuk at the Copenhagen Asian Film Festival (CAFF)

Veronica Velasco’s movie 'Nuuk' (2019) has been described elsewhere as “The Filipino Take on a Nordic Noir Film”. To what extend this claim plays a role in choosing Nuuk for the Copenhagen Asian Film Festival's (CAFF) “Closing Gala Film” has not been expounded. However, a picture on Filipino immigrant diaspora in the Danish postcolonial region, is definitely a well-chosen theme to give special attention to.
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Good health and well-being News Partnerships for the goals

Mr. ENRECA and the Grant that Lifted Gulu University

In Gulu University’s history of nearly two decades, the story of ENRECA is told and retold with passion. The four-year Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) funded 10 million DKK project was the university’s turning point in many ways: It delivered its first PhD, its first female PhD, 20 master’s degrees, several research collaborations, experience in managing large grants and a lot more.
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Good health and well-being News

HIV and Malaria: A nation assured on drug safety

Standing at the entrance of the Faculty of Medicine at Gulu University, Dr. David Musoke looks a calm man. He has been waiting here for some minutes to receive a journalist from Kampala with whom they have only interacted through...
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