Research by SDG

no povertyzero hungergood health and well-beingquality educationgender equalityclean water and sanitationaffordable and clean energydecent work and economic growthindustry, innovation and infrastructurereduced inequalitiessustainable cities and communitiesresponsible consumption and productionclimate actionlife below waterlife on landpeace, justice and strong institutionspartnerships for the goals

Research by SDG

Applied Sciences Climate action Opinions Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences Sustainable cities and communities

Mozambican Researchers and Civil Society Challenge Systemically Flawed Climate Change Adaptation Solutions in their Country

Despite being one of the countries with the lowest carbon footprint per capita (0.21 vs 6.6 in DK),  Mozambique is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change. Cyclones and floods have intensified in the past decades, devastating infrastructures,...
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Affordable and clean energy Applied Sciences Clean water and sanitation News Quality education

Solar Thermal Project Provides Hot Water to Quilpué School

The Luis Cruz Martínez School in Quilpué, a school with a high level of vulnerability, installed a solar panel system to supply renewable energy to its library and other community areas on the campus. Then, its members went a step...
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Affordable and clean energy Applied Sciences Industry, innovation and infrastructure Natural Sciences

Pataguas Cerro and La Cebada: The History of the First Community Photovoltaic Plants in the O’Higgins Region

In the middle of fertile valleys that produce corn, wheat, potatoes, oranges, lemons, avocados, peaches and grapes, and with the Cachapoal River as their northern boundary, the inhabitants of the communes of Pichidegua and Las Cabras live 140 kilometers from...
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Applied Sciences Climate action Natural Sciences News Partnerships for the goals

The IFRO – KNUST partnership: Strengthening higher education and research capacity

The Department of Food and Resource Economics (IFRO) at University of Copenhagen maintains several long-term research partnerships with African universities. Recently, DDRN had the opportunity to interview two visiting faculty members from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology...
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No poverty Opinions Reduced inequalities Social Sciences Sustainable cities and communities

Fattige, Udsatte og Udstødte i Nord og Syd 1:2

I denne og en følgende artikel gengives de fire oplæg fra DDRNs arrangement under Forskningens Døgn 2024 Fattigdom globalt og i Danmark v/ Knud Vilby Knud Vilby, som har arbejdet med fattigdom i Danmark og i Afrika, indledte med at...
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Applied Sciences Life below water News Responsible consumption and production Social Sciences

Wild Animals, the Forbidden Gourmet Dish Served in Ecuador’s Amazon Region

In the Amazonian provinces of Sucumbíos and Pastaza in Ecuador there are restaurants that offer visitors armadillo, guanta or roasted deer soup as an exotic delicacy, even though it is an environmental crime. The dishes made with bushmeat cost between...
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News Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

Bridging the Divide: The Role of Human Rights in Colombian Police Reform

In April 2021, widespread protests erupted across Colombia due to dissatisfaction with a tax reform proposal, economic inequality, police violence, and limited public services. The demonstrations continued for weeks, met by the National Police and Mobile Anti-Riot Squad (ESMAD). Razon...
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Applied Sciences Art and Humanities Climate action News Sustainable cities and communities

Smart Greenhouse: Efficiency and Ancestral Knowledge to Combat Climate Change

Technological innovation and indigenous tradition can go hand in hand and provide a better quality of life to children and adults in Mapuche communities —who live in rural areas— and at the same time strengthen their traditions. This is the...
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Partnerships for the goals Resources

Apply for a Research Communication Internship with

DDRN is seeking Research Communication Intern(s) for 3 to 4 months during the Autumn semester 2025.Do you want to sharpen your skills as a science journalist working with Global South and the UN Sustainable Development Goals?We are looking for someone studying...
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News No poverty Reduced inequalities Social Sciences

‘Why not give all the money to the poor?’

From Consultancy to PhD research at Roskilde University - interview with Jacob Ulrich Tell me a bit about your career I started out studying International Development Studies here at Roskilde University. However, I went to the US to complete my...
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