Forskningens Døgn 2024: Fattige, udsatte, udstødte i Nord og Syd
Torsdag den 25.april 2024, kl. 19.00-21.15, GRATIS ADGANG Sted: Maskinhallen, Sundholmsvej 28A, 2300 Kbh. S. Klik …
Danish Development Research Network
Torsdag den 25.april 2024, kl. 19.00-21.15, GRATIS ADGANG Sted: Maskinhallen, Sundholmsvej 28A, 2300 Kbh. S. Klik …
Joanna Ndagire, who was trafficked to the Middle East in 2017, and worked there as a maid, is now an activist against human trafficking. She …
Ugandan women continue to flock to the Middle East mainly to work as maids, despite harrowing tales of enslavement, torture and discrimination. In fact, many …
Every 28 hours a woman is killed in Ecuador, for the simple reason of being a woman in this patriarchal system we live in. So-called …
“Women and girls are half of humanity. Giving equal time and weight to their stories is an important part of creating a better, freer world …
Efforts to reverse trends of disengagement with studies, normalize motherhood in universities, and counteract gender disparities. Four stories, like cardinal points, to better understand the …
Gender and economic inequalities are still very pervasive within countries across the world. Despite the considerable progress made on promoting women’s economic empowerment and reducing …
Twenty-year old chef Amina (not real name) is as beautiful as they come. She speaks with melodic intonations and when she smiles, she bears the …
Women in Denmark have been more vulnerable than men during the Covid-19 pandemic. It is true for employees at the forefront in the health and …
Characterized by old, white colonial style buildings, the historical center of Quito is recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and normally well visited by tourists – foreign as well as national. It has also become infamous for insecurity reasons, issues with drug and alcohol use in the streets and theft. And then it is one of the areas where you find sex workers offering their services on the streets.