Partnerships for the goals

no povertyzero hungergood health and well-beingquality educationgender equalityclean water and sanitationaffordable and clean energydecent work and economic growthindustry, innovation and infrastructurereduced inequalitiessustainable cities and communitiesresponsible consumption and productionclimate actionlife below waterlife on landpeace, justice and strong institutionspartnerships for the goals

Partnerships for the goals

Partnerships for the goals Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

Insider – Outsider Knowledge in Research on Myanmar

Helene Maria Kyed is a researcher from the Danish Institute for International Studies. She specializes in studying which part non-state actors play in terms of justice and security. Along with her team of scholars from both Myanmar and Denmark, she...
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Applied Sciences Clean water and sanitation News Partnerships for the goals

Danish Water Forum invites you to the 16th Annual Water Research Conference 2022

The 16th Annual Water Research Face-to-Face Conference on 20th April 2022, provides you with 50+ presentations within a wide spectrum of themes from both Denmark and abroad.Venue: University of Copenhagen, Thorvaldsensvej 40, 1871 Frederiksberg C, Denmark PROGRAMOPENING SESSION, 20 April 09:45-12:25...
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Art and Humanities Partnerships for the goals Resources Social Sciences

Danish scientific expeditions: A history of complex South-North relations

In November 2021, a three volumes history of Danish scientific expeditions was published. One of the authors is an Affiliate Professor at the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen, Michael Harbsmeier. Originally an anthropologist, he has since...
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Partnerships for the goals Resources

Apply for an internship as University Correspondent with

Report research news from your university within your own field of study  Join the team either online or at our office in Dronningensgade 14, Christianshavn, Copenhagen, Denmark is currently mapping research at Danish universities focusing on South-North...
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Good health and well-being Natural Sciences News Partnerships for the goals

India’s Covid Vaccination Capabilities: Major Supplier of Vaccines in Global South but Gaps in Own Strategies

India hosts the world’s biggest vaccine manufacturing units in the world and is expected to play a major role in providing vaccines to the Global South. However, India’s domestic vaccination strategies present a contradictory picture. Researchers point out several gaps...
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Partnerships for the goals Peace, justice and strong institutions Quality education Resources

Why do we always have to tell people where we come from?

African people in Denmark need a common voice. AfriCAN is a Danish NGO trying to become that common voice. It promotes education for young Africans in Africa and makes an effort to create a common platform for African citizens in...
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Industry, innovation and infrastructure Partnerships for the goals Resources

TAGDEV: An Example of How African Universities Are Moving Lower to Influence Change in Communities

African universities are under significant pressure to show their relevance to a continent that lags behind in many aspects of human and economic development. Parents send their children to school expecting them to get jobs and solve community problems. But...
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News Opinions Partnerships for the goals Social Sciences

Globalize the disciplines! Decolonize development studies! What is left of “development” with an ever-expanding development agenda through the SDGs? What does the expansion mean for our understanding of “development” and “development research”? These fundamental questions about the future of development research were addressed during the...
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News Partnerships for the goals

What will Covid-19 mean for the future of development aid?

Covid-19 is the single biggest challenge which has confronted the planet since the second world war and its effect has been nothing short of devastating. Millions upon millions have lost their lives, Livelihoods have been shattered as the global economy...
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Affordable and clean energy Applied Sciences News Partnerships for the goals

Green Charcoal: Could Research at Gulu University Ignite a Biomass Energy Revolution in Uganda?

On a quiet Friday evening in March, Miriam Ajak, 23, stoops over the traditional three-stone stove in front of her hut in Lawiyeadul village, Laliya Parish, on the outskirts of Gulu City in northern Uganda, to prepare dinner for her...
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Partnerships for the goals Resources

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) research capacity programs

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)The DAAD is an independent organisation of German higher education institutions and their student bodies, devoted to internationalising the academic system. Its guiding principle is “Change by Exchange” which not only refers to the students...
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News Partnerships for the goals

Leaving so many behind in the Covid-19 crisis

The Group of Seven (G7) - consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States - recently announced steps to globally facilitate “affordable access to vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics” to minimize the risk of Covid-19...
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Partnerships for the goals Quality education Resources

Malaysian University Consortium for Environment and Development – Industry & Urban Areas

MUCED started activities in 2001, 20 years ago. What do different participants in the programme think of it? Does it have any impact today? Has it changed their mindset or influenced their future career? We have asked different people involved...
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Partnerships for the goals Resources

AfricaLics (Part 1): South-North partnerships through the lens of AfricaLics

This is the first of two articles about the organisation Africa Lics (an acronym for African Network for Economics of Learning, Innovation, and Competence Building Systems), which is part of the larger network Globelics. Founded in 2012, the AfricaLics aims...
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Opinions Partnerships for the goals

The new do-tank “2030beyond” aims to get the SDGs back on the political agenda

The 2030 Agenda, adopted by the UN Member States in 2015, is the most ambitious and important development agenda, the world has ever seen. However, five years in, the world is not yet on track to reaching the Sustainable Development Goals...
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Industry, innovation and infrastructure Opinions Partnerships for the goals

“MUCED should have been more ambitious”, says former MUCED coordinator Randolph S. Jeremiah

In August 2000, MUCED, a consortium of four Malaysian universities, was formed to encourage new interdisciplinary approaches to environmental management. The consortium was part of a project proposed and supported by the DANCED program of the Danish Ministry of Environment and Energy. Randolph S. Jeremiah became the Coordinator in the Secretariat of MUCED. In this interview he points to some of the key experiences. Today, Randolph works as Head of Water Resources at ERE, a Malaysian consultant company.
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Clean water and sanitation Climate action Opinions Partnerships for the goals

MUCED: Personal development, educational development at universities and practical environmental development in the Malaysian society

One of the first Malaysian students to benefit from the MUCED programme was professor Suhaimi Abdul Talib. In 2001 he went to Denmark to work on his Ph.D. project Anoxic transformations of wastewater organic matter in sewers – process kinetics, model concept and wastewater treatment potential. During two periods of three months, he had his day-to-day work in the laboratories of Institute of Environmental Engineering at Aalborg University.
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Partnerships for the goals Resources Zero hunger

Gulu: When a PhD Student Investigates the Relevance of a University to the Neighbouring Community

When Asaf Adebua in 2017 started to study for his PhD at Gulu University 'The Contributions of Institutions of Higher Learning to Post-war Community Transformation: The Case of Gulu University in Gulu District', he was investigating the relevance of his university to the community it targets to transform, going by the university’s motto, For Community Transformation.
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Good health and well-being News Partnerships for the goals Peace, justice and strong institutions

Ethnographic Research: One Man’s Long Journey to PhD

Sulayman Mpisi Babiiha’s PhD experience represents the epitome of perseverance of an academic. His account is touching, but because he speaks with so much calmness, I can take it in with some ease. He has been pursuing his PhD certificate for ten years and he won’t give up the hope yet.
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Partnerships for the goals Quality education Resources

Blended System: E-Learning and Democracy for Education in Africa

Geoffrey Tabo Olok in 2016 enrolled at Aalborg University to study e-learning for his PhD. Olok and his supervisors now have their eyes on an ambitious plan to establish a centre of excellence in ICT research and learning not only for Gulu University but also to improve Africa’s relevance in that area.
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