Research by SDG

no povertyzero hungergood health and well-beingquality educationgender equalityclean water and sanitationaffordable and clean energydecent work and economic growthindustry, innovation and infrastructurereduced inequalitiessustainable cities and communitiesresponsible consumption and productionclimate actionlife below waterlife on landpeace, justice and strong institutionspartnerships for the goals

Research by SDG

Art and Humanities Decent work and economic growth Peace, justice and strong institutions Resources

Exploring the Junction between Colonialism and Climate Crisis in Caribbean Literature

A young Danish literature researcher is reading novels and poems from the Caribbean archipelago in order to understand the relationship between colonial history and environmental degradation. Literature is always mirroring the society around it. Sometimes this mirror even influences the...
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Decent work and economic growth Industry, innovation and infrastructure Resources Social Sciences

How Economic Development is Embedded in National Institutional Systems

Development outcomes, including the ability to capture gains from globalization, depend, to a large degree, on national embeddedness of economic activities. A Danish professor has observed this interaction over many years in Indonesia’s development. While firms are the primary economic...
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Applied Sciences Climate action News Responsible consumption and production Sustainable cities and communities

Sorting Out India’s Mounting Waste Crisis

India’s economic growth story is remarkable: from a less than $500 billion economy at the turn of the millennium to the world's third-largest economy with over $3.5 trillion in 2022. The GDP per capita increased from $451 to $2,379. As...
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Applied Sciences Clean water and sanitation Sustainable cities and communities

From Clean to Contaminated: Indian Rivers Call for Urgent Action

On a sun-drenched summer day, Vejle Ådal's serene banks come alive with people strolling along its picturesque shores, casting their lines in tranquil waters, or embarking on leisurely kayak rides. My journey led me to Vejle from a city in...
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Opinions Partnerships for the goals Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

Research Collaboration With China Has Become More Difficult in the Age of Corona

In today’s world, it is extremely important for academics to keep having contacts in China, but it has to happen in a way in which you are not ruining your best sources. However, this is not easy, according to an...
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Applied Sciences Life on land Partnerships for the goals Resources

Sustainability Without Lab Coats: Citizen Science in Service of the SDGs

Enlisting the Public The universality of the themes covered by the SDGs speaks to the fact that there is not only space, but also interest, for the public to participate in the work towards the SDGs; contributions “through the involvement of...
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Peace, justice and strong institutions Resources Social Sciences

How an Empirical Case Becomes a Valuable Research Partner

A Canadian networking grant has funded an international research network about migration studies, making it possible for a number of researchers from the Global South to join. “I am not a development researcher in the traditional sense”, says Professor Martin...
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Art and Humanities Good health and well-being News Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

Civil Society Defence against Red Tagging in the Philippines

On November 17, 2023, the Danish NGO Nunca Mas celebrates its 10-year jubilee. Having implemented a range of human rights projects with NGO partners in Ecuador, Honduras, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe. Nunca Mas and its members can review...
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Affordable and clean energy Applied Sciences Climate action Natural Sciences Opinions Social Sciences

The Importance of Studying Latin America When it Comes to Sustainability

A British researcher in Aalborg is working with anti-fracking movements and environmental issues in Latin America. According to her, Latin America adds something extra to the debate about our societies’ perspectives on nature. She regrets that Latin American studies are...
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Applied Sciences Good health and well-being Natural Sciences News

Mexico: Researching the Brain Plasticity and Breaking the Stigma of Mental Illness

He has a passion for understanding that, what makes us human. It all started with observing neurons in a microscope, just like a Nobel Laureate 100 years ago. And this Mexican neuroscientist also wants to raise awareness of mental health...
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