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Social Sciences

Decent work and economic growth News Reduced inequalities Social Sciences

International Graduates and their Struggles with the Job Hunt

I have always dreamt of landing a job abroad and that was one of the reasons why I chose to do a master’s in Europe. Given their small population, I had such a notion that it was easier to get...
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Decent work and economic growth Good health and well-being No poverty Social Sciences

Nordic Working Poor – the Case of Sweden

How Nordic countries with one of the finest working welfare policies exploit their migrants Maine Buying has come to Sweden to find a better life and brighter future for his wife and children. He was hoping to find a job...
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Decent work and economic growth News No poverty Social Sciences

Rita Lages: “Migration forces the Nation States and Societies to question themselves”

Migration or human mobility is a complex phenomenon that encompasses a multiplicity of economic, social and security aspects. According to the “World Migration Report 2020”, 3.5% of the world's population are migrants. Latin America and Europe are both experiencing this...
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News Social Sciences

Studying ”Development” in the SDG Era

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have redefined development as comprising a broad range of issues that are relevant for countries all over the world – and implementable by actors including governments, NGOs, for-profits, and non-profits alike. Mette Fog Olwig from...
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Applied Sciences Decent work and economic growth Industry, innovation and infrastructure News Social Sciences

Improving factory productivity at garments’ factories in Myanmar

When studying how to improve conditions at garments’ factories in Myanmar, researchers from University of Southern Denmark (SDU) have had to deal with cultural differences and a political backlash."Dear David. You need to learn how to be more Myanmar. We...
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Art and Humanities Partnerships for the goals Resources Social Sciences

Danish scientific expeditions: A history of complex South-North relations

In November 2021, a three volumes history of Danish scientific expeditions was published. One of the authors is an Affiliate Professor at the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen, Michael Harbsmeier. Originally an anthropologist, he has since...
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Art and Humanities Gender equality News Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

Women’s voice in media still missing

“Women and girls are half of humanity. Giving equal time and weight to their stories is an important part of creating a better, freer world for all of us.”– Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director. Gender stereotyping in the...
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Applied Sciences Life on land Opinions Responsible consumption and production Reviews Social Sciences

Not All Forests Are Equal: Mitigating Climate Change Through Sustainable Forestry

Our planet is rapidly growing warmer. Initiatives are surfacing to not just adapt to, but actively combat the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Carbon capture technology is in its infancy, but we already have one method of removing...
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Decent work and economic growth Gender equality News Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

Land ownership rights: A barrier to gender equality and economic empowerment of Ugandan women

Gender and economic inequalities are still very pervasive within countries across the world. Despite the considerable progress made on promoting women’s economic empowerment and reducing gender inequalities through strategies, programs, and interventions, many countries are still struggling to provide and...
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Applied Sciences Good health and well-being Life on land News Responsible consumption and production Social Sciences

Tracking environmental crimes in Ghana

Ghana is the leading producer of minerals, especially gold in Africa. But more than 35% of the country's minerals are extracted by small-scale miners, most of them operating illegally. Pollution from mining has contaminated water sources across the country with...
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