Peace, justice and strong institutions

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Peace, justice and strong institutions

News Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

Druk Yul – Land of the Thunder Dragon – Bhutan as Development Model

Set in the high Himalayas, Bhutan is a fascinating developing country. It stands out as the most successful in human development factors such as education, health, and even economic growth. In many respects it is a showcase in the regional...
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Opinions Partnerships for the goals Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

Podcast: Personal, Pragmatic, Practical: Conversation on Unequal North-South Research Relations

View the podcast on You Tube  Unequally Yoked: From denying visas to the Global South researchers to travel to not crediting them for research they worked on, the discussion about unequal North-South research relationships continues to rage on. Researchers in...
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Art and Humanities Peace, justice and strong institutions Resources Social Sciences

Indigenous Empowerment – The Kankuamo People in Colombia Communicate About Themselves

Discrimination and stereotypes. Indigenous peoples are often misunderstood in the media, which is why the Kankuamo people from Colombia decided to strengthen their communication skills: to be able to tell their own stories to a broader audience. And they have...
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Peace, justice and strong institutions Resources Social Sciences

South Sudan: Interaction of Refugees and Their Hosts in Uganda Could Foster Peaceful Co-existence Back Home. But When?

In Adjumani town, in the West Nile sub region of northern Uganda, a relatively big structure sits enclosed in Paridi stadium, just a few metres behind the southern goalposts. At its entrance is an inscription in bold letters: “Refugee and...
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News Peace, justice and strong institutions Quality education Social Sciences

Educating Saharawi Refugees: The Most Important Project of the Polisario Front

Illiteracy levels are practically non-existent in the Algerian Tindouf camps that host Saharawi refugees. As part of my research for my master thesis in Global Refugee Studies at Aalborg University, I interviewed Bachir, Raabub and Taleb to learn about how...
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Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

Human Security: People-Centred Security in an Interconnected World

The human security framework was first introduced by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in their 1994 Human Development Report, seeking a more people-focused understanding of security. In 2011, a Human Security master’s programme was started at Aarhus University as...
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Partnerships for the goals Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

How Can the Global South Confront the Unequal North-South Academic Collaborations?

In May 2022, Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS) published the policy brief 'Decolonising Academic Collaboration: South-North Perspectives'. Earlier, researchers from Kenya, Ghana and Denmark, working together in three multi-year collaborative research programs, had met to discuss the inequality inherent...
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Opinions Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

Many Years of South-North Cooperation Creates a Common Horizon of Ideas

A professor at Section for Global Development at University of Copenhagen moved his research on access to resources and land ownership from West Africa to Indonesia. He wishes for his colleagues that more of them would be given the opportunity...
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Decent work and economic growth Good health and well-being No poverty Opinions Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

Uganda’s Acclaimed Refugee Policy: The Difference Between What is on Paper and Reality

Uganda is described by many in the humanitarian circles as one of the friendliest countries in the world to refugees. Some reports, such as one from the Norwegian Refuge Council (NRC), state that the East African landlocked country, which hosts...
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Partnerships for the goals Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

Insider – Outsider Knowledge in Research on Myanmar

Helene Maria Kyed is a researcher from the Danish Institute for International Studies. She specializes in studying which part non-state actors play in terms of justice and security. Along with her team of scholars from both Myanmar and Denmark, she...
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Opinions Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

Democracy in Decline

Peace, justice and good governance – important enablers of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – have come under pressure in many countries due to the COVID-19-pandemic. The pandemic exacerbated the global decline of democratic principles and the...
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Opinions Peace, justice and strong institutions Responsible consumption and production Social Sciences

Return to Sender?

Associate Professor Lars Buur, Department of Social Sciences and Business, Roskilde University, identifies two major challenges to Danish development research: First, research findings to be shared as knowledge support for Danish development cooperation is left with an ever-smaller audience, as...
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Applied Sciences Industry, innovation and infrastructure Peace, justice and strong institutions

How to build an inexpensive African drone with ethics on board

Engineers and other staff from University of Southern Denmark are deeply involved in making drones with the precise purpose that they shall be used to ensure much more equal management of disputed land rights in Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone is...
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Art and Humanities News Peace, justice and strong institutions

Global South in the North, Global North in the South

Associate Professor Julia Suárez-Krabbe, Department of Communication and Arts at Roskilde University was born and raised in Colombia during the mid-70s to mid-1980s. Her mother is Danish, and her father is Colombian. In Colombia, negotiation for peace and search for...
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Art and Humanities Gender equality News Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

Women’s voice in media still missing

“Women and girls are half of humanity. Giving equal time and weight to their stories is an important part of creating a better, freer world for all of us.”– Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director. Gender stereotyping in the...
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Partnerships for the goals Peace, justice and strong institutions Quality education Resources

Why do we always have to tell people where we come from?

African people in Denmark need a common voice. AfriCAN is a Danish NGO trying to become that common voice. It promotes education for young Africans in Africa and makes an effort to create a common platform for African citizens in...
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Decent work and economic growth Gender equality News Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

Land ownership rights: A barrier to gender equality and economic empowerment of Ugandan women

Gender and economic inequalities are still very pervasive within countries across the world. Despite the considerable progress made on promoting women’s economic empowerment and reducing gender inequalities through strategies, programs, and interventions, many countries are still struggling to provide and...
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News Peace, justice and strong institutions

Critical Voices in Science, Arts and Media are coming together

Today, Friday December 10th, a paper about ”Critical Voices – UNESCO’s instruments in Defence of Freedom of Expression of Artists, Journalists and Scientific Researchers” has been published in Paris. The paper is prepared by the Permanent Delegation of Denmark at UNESCO.UNESCO has...
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Art and Humanities Peace, justice and strong institutions Reviews

A magnificent and captivating exhibition

April 21st this year the museum by the name Louisiana that is located in Humlebæk, North of Copenhagen, opened a new exhibition by the artist and cinematographer[1] Arthur Jafa. The exhibition continues until October 31st  2021. The title of the...
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News Peace, justice and strong institutions

Upcoming research: Accountability – What makes people do the right thing all the time?

There aren’t too many South Africans in Denmark, so any reminder of my country of birth is a source of comfort. When I heard Nadeem Salie’s voice through my laptop speakers during our Zoom call, it felt a little bit...
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