The Power of Literature in the Times of Climate Crisis
The power of literature in human history has been seen many times and, in many places, demonstrating that a novel or a poem can inspire …
Danish Development Research Network
The power of literature in human history has been seen many times and, in many places, demonstrating that a novel or a poem can inspire …
Reasons to migrate can vary but they are often rooted in similar motives. Migrants may be attracted by high-quality education and promising careers or by …
How Nordic countries with one of the finest working welfare policies exploit their migrants Maine Buying has come to Sweden to find a better life …
“Women and girls are half of humanity. Giving equal time and weight to their stories is an important part of creating a better, freer world …
Ghana is the leading producer of minerals, especially gold in Africa. But more than 35% of the country’s minerals are extracted by small-scale miners, most …
Silence about menstruation In many countries in the Global South menstruation is still perceived as taboo. During the time of menstruation girls and women must …