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Arts and Humanities

Art and Humanities Opinions Partnerships for the goals Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

We Have Different Knowledge Pools in South and North

Expertise in Middle Eastern development is getting more concentrated among researchers with roots and base in the Middle East itself. It makes good sense, but it is also making Denmark and the Western world more vulnerable, says an experienced Middle...
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Art and Humanities Climate action Opinions

The Power of Literature in the Times of Climate Crisis

The power of literature in human history has been seen many times and, in many places, demonstrating that a novel or a poem can inspire powerful actions and has the power to move the world. Literature can change people's minds...
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Art and Humanities Peace, justice and strong institutions Resources Social Sciences

Indigenous Empowerment – The Kankuamo People in Colombia Communicate About Themselves

Discrimination and stereotypes. Indigenous peoples are often misunderstood in the media, which is why the Kankuamo people from Colombia decided to strengthen their communication skills: to be able to tell their own stories to a broader audience. And they have...
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Applied Sciences Art and Humanities Good health and well-being Resources Social Sciences

Jorge Lobos: Architecture to Serve the Needs of People Around the World

Jorge Lobos, is a very talented chilean architect that lives in Copenhagen, Denmark. He owns an architecture studio with projects in Denmark, Italy and Chile. He started his career at the school of Architecture at the Universidad of Chile, where he...
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Art and Humanities Partnerships for the goals Resources

From Port to Port: Chilean-Danish Collaboration on Art and Mural Painting

Life is full of meaning and symbols. Life is full of art. And if we think of the sea as a big road that connects very distant persons, places and cultures, we can say that Copenhagen in Denmark and Valparaíso...
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Art and Humanities Partnerships for the goals Resources Social Sciences

Danish scientific expeditions: A history of complex South-North relations

In November 2021, a three volumes history of Danish scientific expeditions was published. One of the authors is an Affiliate Professor at the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen, Michael Harbsmeier. Originally an anthropologist, he has since...
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Art and Humanities News Peace, justice and strong institutions

Global South in the North, Global North in the South

Associate Professor Julia Suárez-Krabbe, Department of Communication and Arts at Roskilde University was born and raised in Colombia during the mid-70s to mid-1980s. Her mother is Danish, and her father is Colombian. In Colombia, negotiation for peace and search for...
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Art and Humanities Gender equality News Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

Women’s voice in media still missing

“Women and girls are half of humanity. Giving equal time and weight to their stories is an important part of creating a better, freer world for all of us.”– Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director. Gender stereotyping in the...
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Art and Humanities Peace, justice and strong institutions Reviews

A magnificent and captivating exhibition

April 21st this year the museum by the name Louisiana that is located in Humlebæk, North of Copenhagen, opened a new exhibition by the artist and cinematographer[1] Arthur Jafa. The exhibition continues until October 31st  2021. The title of the...
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Art and Humanities Opinions

Sami-youth in Finland: “Our culture is threatened by climate change – and we are not even part of the conversation about it”

Talking about climate change on several levels and with different meanings – is something essential to Anni-Sofia Niittyvuopio (21), Head of the Youth Council of the Finnish Sami parliament:“One of our main goals is to participate when we talk about...
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