Challenge-Driven Innovation (CDI)

“Do we want to make the world a more sustainable place through concentrated efforts around a complex societal challenge? In the “Utmaningsdriven Innovation” (UDI) (“Challenge-Driven Innovation” (CDI) program) we create the conditions for actors that want to investigate, develop and implement innovative solutions that contribute to the sustainability targets of the 2030 Agenda”.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

The UN 2015 Report Transforming Our World defines a set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to guide world development until 2030. The 17 SDGs are universal by definition. Private sector, public and civil society organisations worldwide refer to the SDGs. At, the SDGs will serve as a basic classification when covering contributions of knowledge for sustainable development.


A major inspiration for DDRN is the SciDev.Net website ‘Science and Technology for Development’, which was launched in 2001. Marianne Hedegaard Forti, DDRN, had the opportunity to interact with a few of the people driving SciDev.Net. at the Eldis 20th Anniversary event ‘FROM DIAL-UP TO THE DATA REVOLUTION: LEARNING FROM 20 YEARS OF DIGITAL KNOWLEDGE SHARING FOR GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT’ held 13-15 September at the Institute of Development Studies, Brighton, United Kingdom This post quotes the vision, the objectives, the editorial values, the history, and the people involved. In a video interview by Financial Times journalist, Andrew Jack, SciDev.Net director Nick Ishmael Perkins explains the specialist media role that SciDev.Net plays in bringing the worlds of science and development together through news and analysis from across the globe. Andrew Jack is a trustee of SciDev.Net.