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Social Sciences

Industry, innovation and infrastructure Partnerships for the goals Resources Social Sciences

“A Strong Community of Development Researchers is Alive and Well in Denmark”

The community of development researchers has grown and been increasingly spread at several different environments in Denmark. Buzzwords change – but a clear focus on development remains, observes a veteran in the field. That is the observation by Soeren Jeppesen,...
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Applied Sciences Art and Humanities Good health and well-being Resources Social Sciences

Jorge Lobos: Architecture to Serve the Needs of People Around the World

Jorge Lobos, is a very talented chilean architect that lives in Copenhagen, Denmark. He owns an architecture studio with projects in Denmark, Italy and Chile. He started his career at the school of Architecture at the Universidad of Chile, where he...
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Peace, justice and strong institutions Resources Social Sciences

South Sudan: Interaction of Refugees and Their Hosts in Uganda Could Foster Peaceful Co-existence Back Home. But When?

In Adjumani town, in the West Nile sub region of northern Uganda, a relatively big structure sits enclosed in Paridi stadium, just a few metres behind the southern goalposts. At its entrance is an inscription in bold letters: “Refugee and...
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News Peace, justice and strong institutions Quality education Social Sciences

Educating Saharawi Refugees: The Most Important Project of the Polisario Front

Illiteracy levels are practically non-existent in the Algerian Tindouf camps that host Saharawi refugees. As part of my research for my master thesis in Global Refugee Studies at Aalborg University, I interviewed Bachir, Raabub and Taleb to learn about how...
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Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

Human Security: People-Centred Security in an Interconnected World

The human security framework was first introduced by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in their 1994 Human Development Report, seeking a more people-focused understanding of security. In 2011, a Human Security master’s programme was started at Aarhus University as...
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Decent work and economic growth Life on land Social Sciences

The Chinese Factor: Chinese Migration for Artisanal Small-scale Gold Mining in Ghana

Ghana is ranked amongst the top five producers of gold in Africa. Research revealed that an estimated number of 50,000 Chinese individuals migrated from China to Ghana between 2008 and 2013 to engage in artisanal small-scale gold mining (ASM) activities....
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Industry, innovation and infrastructure Partnerships for the goals Responsible consumption and production Social Sciences

Danish Researcher: Who Will Ever Be Reading Our Policy Briefs?

Research into trade patterns and global value chains gave the research team a hands-on understanding of what economic globalization is all about.   Every time a research project, financed by either DANIDA or Independent Research Fund Denmark, is completed, the researcher...
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Applied Sciences Decent work and economic growth Good health and well-being News Social Sciences

Mercury in Goldmines in Uganda Influence Pregnancies on the Faroe Islands

Our working environments have become truly global. Even though they are often invisible, harmful substances are traveling long distances between the South and the North. Integrating research and NGO work can convince local governments and stakeholders in the Global South...
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Applied Sciences Decent work and economic growth Good health and well-being News Social Sciences

Mercury: The Silent Death in the Bolivian Amazon

Indigenous peoples of the Amazon are affected by mercury contamination in Bolivia due to small-scale gold extraction. The women are some of the most vulnerable – and at the same time the ones handling the mercury most directly. Is there...
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Partnerships for the goals Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

How Can the Global South Confront the Unequal North-South Academic Collaborations?

In May 2022, Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS) published the policy brief 'Decolonising Academic Collaboration: South-North Perspectives'. Earlier, researchers from Kenya, Ghana and Denmark, working together in three multi-year collaborative research programs, had met to discuss the inequality inherent...
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