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Natural Sciences

Good health and well-being Natural Sciences News Responsible consumption and production Zero hunger

Bolivian Researcher Carla Colque-Little Throws Light on the Superfood-crop Quinoa

Carla Colque-Little specializes in diseases of one of the star crops from Bolivia – quinoa. A plant that many countries – for instance, Denmark – are eager to adapt to cultivate in their farmland – is a crop for the...
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Clean water and sanitation Climate action Natural Sciences News Social Sciences

Chile Faces the Mega Drought Looking for Technical and Social Solutions

According to data provided by the UN, by 2025 half of the world's population will live in areas of water scarcity, making it essential to develop mechanisms and technology to deal with it. In Chile, researchers and experts not only...
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Gender equality Good health and well-being Natural Sciences News

Women, motherhood, and science in Colombia

Efforts to reverse trends of disengagement with studies, normalize motherhood in universities, and counteract gender disparities. Four stories, like cardinal points, to better understand the current map of Colombian women and science.In many parts of society, there are still strong...
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Natural Sciences Resources Responsible consumption and production

Podcast: “A Sustainable Holiday Season” Research and Practical Approaches Emphasizing Food

In December 2021, DDRN hosted an online seminar that focused on research and civil society initiatives emphasizing food.The connection between food and the climate has been covered in both research and civil society practices that are opposing over-consumption and food...
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Good health and well-being Natural Sciences News Partnerships for the goals

India’s Covid Vaccination Capabilities: Major Supplier of Vaccines in Global South but Gaps in Own Strategies

India hosts the world’s biggest vaccine manufacturing units in the world and is expected to play a major role in providing vaccines to the Global South. However, India’s domestic vaccination strategies present a contradictory picture. Researchers point out several gaps...
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Good health and well-being Natural Sciences Social Sciences

Girls drop out of school because of menstruation

Silence about menstruationIn many countries in the Global South menstruation is still perceived as taboo. During the time of menstruation girls and women must face many challenges, discrimination, harassment, social exclusion, and perceptions such as describing menstruation as shameful and...
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Good health and well-being Natural Sciences News

Older people in Denmark were mostly worried about other people getting infected with COVID-19

During the pandemic and the ensuing restrictions, the general picture in Denmark has been that older people have been much more worried about other people getting sick than they have been worried about themselves. Many were also worried about not...
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Good health and well-being Natural Sciences News No poverty Social Sciences

COVID-19’s extra torture on Kenya’s elderly

In the thick trees on the outskirts of Kisumu City in Kenya, a hut is as isolated as the 76-year-old woman who owns and lives in it alone. Without a child of her own, Mary Atieno had called people "son"...
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Good health and well-being Natural Sciences News No poverty

“Up here, it is as if the pandemic did not exist”

Seeing the capital from up here, in the hills high above the rooftops, our perspective changes. The distance is small, but mentally, this is another world. We’re in the neighbourhood of El Pilar – in the outskirts of Quito, high...
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Life below water Natural Sciences Resources

COVID19 impacts and opportunities for biodiversity research in India

With the COVID19 pandemic gripping the whole world, it has changed the way we learn, work, and socialize. As we get used to living in this new normal, as we call it, there had been a noticeable shift in the...
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