Partnerships for the goals

no povertyzero hungergood health and well-beingquality educationgender equalityclean water and sanitationaffordable and clean energydecent work and economic growthindustry, innovation and infrastructurereduced inequalitiessustainable cities and communitiesresponsible consumption and productionclimate actionlife below waterlife on landpeace, justice and strong institutionspartnerships for the goals

Partnerships for the goals

Opinions Partnerships for the goals Quality education Social Sciences

The Inclusion of International Students vs. Western Supremacy in Higher Education

Third World Countries, the Global North and the Global South. These are a couple of terms through which people describe certain areas in the world. This happens throughout all fields, but especially within educational systems. It is almost never easy...
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Good health and well-being Natural Sciences News Partnerships for the goals

Venezuela: How Researching During a Humanitarian Crisis Makes You a Better Scientist

He has his office in the campus of Harlingen in at the Institute of Neuroscience, just beside one of the entrance points for the many Latin American migrants to the US. Physician scientist expert on Blood Pressure and epidemiology in...
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News Opinions Partnerships for the goals Quality education

Navigating Western Innocent Ignorance

Moving abroad, whether it is to study or work, is never easy. Actively deciding to move away from all that you know, and most importantly from your family and friends, in pursuit of what is thought of as “a better...
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Affordable and clean energy Applied Sciences Climate action Industry, innovation and infrastructure News Partnerships for the goals Sustainable cities and communities

Why Emerging Economies also need Knowledge Transfer of Environmental Engineering

How did you get involved in sustainability? Originally, I am an environmental chemist graduated from University of Copenhagen. My path into my current work is sustainability. By sustainable transition in developing economies, you can achieve results with far less resources...
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Applied Sciences Good health and well-being Opinions Partnerships for the goals

All of Us Need to Build Capacity – in South as well as North

Research collaboration is capacity building in itself, says Professor Jens Seeberg, Aarhus University. Every university on the globe has a constant need of capacity building. That is certainly also the case in Denmark. ”Research collaboration is capacity building in itself”,...
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Applied Sciences Climate action Natural Sciences Opinions Partnerships for the goals Peace, justice and strong institutions Zero hunger

Funding Policies in the North Hurt Capacity Building in the South

Denmark has valuable experience in running an efficient research administration. It’s important to continue sharing this experience with the global South countries like Ghana in order to address risks of bureaucracy, according to an experienced Danish development researcher In many...
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Partnerships for the goals Responsible consumption and production Social Sciences

Global South-North Divide: Local Innovations Should Be Upscaled and More Just Conditions Introduced

If you are interested in international relations and development, you have probably come across the terms: Global South and Global North. Chances are you are using them without a second thought. But have you ever asked yourself how we came...
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Opinions Partnerships for the goals Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

Research Collaboration With China Has Become More Difficult in the Age of Corona

In today’s world, it is extremely important for academics to keep having contacts in China, but it has to happen in a way in which you are not ruining your best sources. However, this is not easy, according to an...
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Applied Sciences Life on land Partnerships for the goals Resources

Sustainability Without Lab Coats: Citizen Science in Service of the SDGs

Enlisting the Public The universality of the themes covered by the SDGs speaks to the fact that there is not only space, but also interest, for the public to participate in the work towards the SDGs; contributions “through the involvement of...
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No poverty Opinions Partnerships for the goals Social Sciences

True South-North Collaboration Takes Time

Development is not what it used to be and neither is development research. Changes happened even faster during the years of the Covid-19 pandemic. A very experienced American fieldworker, professor at Copenhagen Business School Lisa Ann Richey, has been an...
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Applied Sciences Climate action Life on land Natural Sciences Partnerships for the goals Resources

Fieldwork and Big Data – Researching the Maasai Mara Savannah in Kenya

Researchers from Aarhus University are involved in finding sustainable ways for wildlife and indigenous lifestyles to survive in the Maasai Mara savannah in Kenya. Traditional fieldwork among the population is one way to do it, working with big data from...
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Opinions Partnerships for the goals Social Sciences

A Great Transition for Development Researchers in South and North

”For development research to thrive in the future, we have to take it very seriously, that it should be a global enterprise rather than merely Northern researchers doing fieldwork in the South”, says professor Anne Mette Kjær at Aarhus University....
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Art and Humanities Opinions Partnerships for the goals Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

We Have Different Knowledge Pools in South and North

Expertise in Middle Eastern development is getting more concentrated among researchers with roots and base in the Middle East itself. It makes good sense, but it is also making Denmark and the Western world more vulnerable, says an experienced Middle...
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Opinions Partnerships for the goals Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

Podcast: Personal, Pragmatic, Practical: Conversation on Unequal North-South Research Relations

View the podcast on You Tube  Unequally Yoked: From denying visas to the Global South researchers to travel to not crediting them for research they worked on, the discussion about unequal North-South research relationships continues to rage on. Researchers in...
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Applied Sciences Natural Sciences Partnerships for the goals

South-North Research Partnership is Crucial, But Inequalities Remain

The fundamental inequalities in research projects are still the same as they were 30 years ago and they are not likely to disappear. According to an experienced Danish researcher, there is a strong need for such projects in the future,...
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Applied Sciences Good health and well-being Partnerships for the goals Resources

The Health Sector Will Never Be Able to Solve the World’s Health Challenges on Its Own

We have to adopt an intersectoral approach to safeguarding health, says an experienced Danish researcher who has done that for all his professional life.To address the serious health problems of the world, the health sector has to work in close...
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Industry, innovation and infrastructure Partnerships for the goals Resources Social Sciences

“A Strong Community of Development Researchers is Alive and Well in Denmark”

The community of development researchers has grown and been increasingly spread at several different environments in Denmark. Buzzwords change – but a clear focus on development remains, observes a veteran in the field. That is the observation by Soeren Jeppesen,...
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Art and Humanities Partnerships for the goals Resources

From Port to Port: Chilean-Danish Collaboration on Art and Mural Painting

Life is full of meaning and symbols. Life is full of art. And if we think of the sea as a big road that connects very distant persons, places and cultures, we can say that Copenhagen in Denmark and Valparaíso...
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Industry, innovation and infrastructure Partnerships for the goals Responsible consumption and production Social Sciences

Danish Researcher: Who Will Ever Be Reading Our Policy Briefs?

Research into trade patterns and global value chains gave the research team a hands-on understanding of what economic globalization is all about.   Every time a research project, financed by either DANIDA or Independent Research Fund Denmark, is completed, the researcher...
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Partnerships for the goals Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

How Can the Global South Confront the Unequal North-South Academic Collaborations?

In May 2022, Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS) published the policy brief 'Decolonising Academic Collaboration: South-North Perspectives'. Earlier, researchers from Kenya, Ghana and Denmark, working together in three multi-year collaborative research programs, had met to discuss the inequality inherent...
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