Research by SDG

no povertyzero hungergood health and well-beingquality educationgender equalityclean water and sanitationaffordable and clean energydecent work and economic growthindustry, innovation and infrastructurereduced inequalitiessustainable cities and communitiesresponsible consumption and productionclimate actionlife below waterlife on landpeace, justice and strong institutionspartnerships for the goals

Research by SDG

News Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

The Role of the University in the Transition After the Armed Conflict in Colombia

When the Colombian government and the guerrilla group FARC signed the peace deal back in 2016, it was only the beginning of a long road towards a, in theory, more peaceful country after four decades of armed conflict. Part of...
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Art and Humanities Climate action Opinions

The Power of Literature in the Times of Climate Crisis

The power of literature in human history has been seen many times and, in many places, demonstrating that a novel or a poem can inspire powerful actions and has the power to move the world. Literature can change people's minds...
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News Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

Druk Yul – Land of the Thunder Dragon – Bhutan as Development Model

Set in the high Himalayas, Bhutan is a fascinating developing country. It stands out as the most successful in human development factors such as education, health, and even economic growth. In many respects it is a showcase in the regional...
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Opinions Partnerships for the goals Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

Podcast: Personal, Pragmatic, Practical: Conversation on Unequal North-South Research Relations

View the podcast on You Tube  Unequally Yoked: From denying visas to the Global South researchers to travel to not crediting them for research they worked on, the discussion about unequal North-South research relationships continues to rage on. Researchers in...
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Gender equality Social Sciences

The Danger of Being a Woman in Ecuador

Every 28 hours a woman is killed in Ecuador, for the simple reason of being a woman in this patriarchal system we live in. So-called femicide. But in 2022, one particular femicide has shocked the country and brought hundreds of...
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No poverty Reduced inequalities Resources Social Sciences Zero hunger

Jean Drèze: A Scholar who Integrated Research with Action in Social Science

Action-oriented research is a road less traveled in the world of academics. Often researchers are confronted with the dilemma of the need to remain objective while taking a clear point of view in their research. Jean Drèze, a Belgian-born Indian...
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Good health and well-being Social Sciences

Gabriel Abarca-Brown: Rescuing Transcultural Psychiatry

The intersections of psychotechnologies, global mental health, subjectivity, and everyday life, highlighting historical, cross-cultural, intersectional, and decolonial aspects. This is the line of research of Gabriel Abarca-Brown, who works as a researcher at the University of Copenhagen, in the research...
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Applied Sciences Quality education Social Sciences

Mathematics as a Tool to Navigate Political and Social Reality

Raimundo Elicer, a Chilean researcher at the Danish School of Education at Aarhus University, made his intellectual concerns and questions about mathematics his field of research. After a career as a researcher and teacher in public secondary schools in Chile,...
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Art and Humanities Peace, justice and strong institutions Resources Social Sciences

Indigenous Empowerment – The Kankuamo People in Colombia Communicate About Themselves

Discrimination and stereotypes. Indigenous peoples are often misunderstood in the media, which is why the Kankuamo people from Colombia decided to strengthen their communication skills: to be able to tell their own stories to a broader audience. And they have...
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Reduced inequalities Resources Social Sciences Sustainable cities and communities

Urbanism in Unexpected Places: Looking Beyond the Rural/Urban Divide

Urbanism as a concept often brings to mind ideas of large metropolitan centres that are densely populated, not only with people but also buildings, expansive infrastructure, as well as opportunities. The idea of rurality poses a stark contrast to this...
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