Climate action

no povertyzero hungergood health and well-beingquality educationgender equalityclean water and sanitationaffordable and clean energydecent work and economic growthindustry, innovation and infrastructurereduced inequalitiessustainable cities and communitiesresponsible consumption and productionclimate actionlife below waterlife on landpeace, justice and strong institutionspartnerships for the goals

Climate action

Applied Sciences Climate action Opinions Partnerships for the goals Social Sciences

Global South Countries are more Vulnerable to Climate Change than we are in the North

Global climate change has exactly the same consequences in north and south. They are truly global. But the Global South can to a lesser degree afford to defend itself against them, compared with the North. This is an important difference...
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Art and Humanities Climate action Gender equality Good health and well-being News No poverty Social Sciences

Forskningens Døgn 2024: Fattige, udsatte, udstødte i Nord og Syd

Torsdag den 25.april 2024, kl. 19.00-21.15, GRATIS ADGANG                    Sted: Maskinhallen, Sundholmsvej 28A, 2300 Kbh. S.   Klik for kort!Tilmelding: Send e-mail med navn til       Arrangør: Danish Development Research Network...
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Affordable and clean energy Applied Sciences Climate action Industry, innovation and infrastructure News Partnerships for the goals Sustainable cities and communities

Why Emerging Economies also need Knowledge Transfer of Environmental Engineering

How did you get involved in sustainability? Originally, I am an environmental chemist graduated from University of Copenhagen. My path into my current work is sustainability. By sustainable transition in developing economies, you can achieve results with far less resources...
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Applied Sciences Climate action Natural Sciences Opinions Partnerships for the goals Peace, justice and strong institutions Zero hunger

Funding Policies in the North Hurt Capacity Building in the South

Denmark has valuable experience in running an efficient research administration. It’s important to continue sharing this experience with the global South countries like Ghana in order to address risks of bureaucracy, according to an experienced Danish development researcher In many...
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Applied Sciences Climate action News Responsible consumption and production Sustainable cities and communities

Sorting Out India’s Mounting Waste Crisis

India’s economic growth story is remarkable: from a less than $500 billion economy at the turn of the millennium to the world's third-largest economy with over $3.5 trillion in 2022. The GDP per capita increased from $451 to $2,379. As...
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Affordable and clean energy Applied Sciences Climate action Natural Sciences Opinions Social Sciences

The Importance of Studying Latin America When it Comes to Sustainability

A British researcher in Aalborg is working with anti-fracking movements and environmental issues in Latin America. According to her, Latin America adds something extra to the debate about our societies’ perspectives on nature. She regrets that Latin American studies are...
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Applied Sciences Climate action Life on land Natural Sciences Partnerships for the goals Resources

Fieldwork and Big Data – Researching the Maasai Mara Savannah in Kenya

Researchers from Aarhus University are involved in finding sustainable ways for wildlife and indigenous lifestyles to survive in the Maasai Mara savannah in Kenya. Traditional fieldwork among the population is one way to do it, working with big data from...
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Climate action Decent work and economic growth News Responsible consumption and production Social Sciences

EU: Towards a More Sustainable Corporate Development?

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) published in December 2022 is the most recent step towards a more sustainable development at a European Union level. In detail, it aims to ensure that companies provide adequate information regarding the way they...
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Art and Humanities Climate action Opinions

The Power of Literature in the Times of Climate Crisis

The power of literature in human history has been seen many times and, in many places, demonstrating that a novel or a poem can inspire powerful actions and has the power to move the world. Literature can change people's minds...
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Climate action Life on land Natural Sciences News

Global Warming: Heat Waves Test Human Endurance in South Asia

The summer of 2022 will be remembered as a brutal season in the history of climate change.  Heatwaves killed at least 90 people in India and Pakistan, as the temperature soared as high as 46-48 degrees centigrade. Europe saw heatwaves...
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Clean water and sanitation Climate action Natural Sciences News Social Sciences

Chile Faces the Mega Drought Looking for Technical and Social Solutions

According to data provided by the UN, by 2025 half of the world's population will live in areas of water scarcity, making it essential to develop mechanisms and technology to deal with it. In Chile, researchers and experts not only...
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Affordable and clean energy Applied Sciences Climate action News

The Rough Road to Energy Transition in The Global South

In February 2022, the Chinese government approved the opening of three new coal mines—two in the northwestern province of Shaanxi and another in Inner Mongolia. This is a part of its efforts towards augmenting coal-based power generation. The plan includes...
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Climate action Opinions Quality education

The MUCED experience: New teaching methods in Malaysia

One of the elements in MUCED was introducing Malaysian lecturers and students to new teaching methods. This introduction to group work and Problem Based Learning (PBL) had both direct and indirect benefits in the Malaysian higher education system, participants says.MUCED...
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Climate action Natural Sciences News Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

From coca to cacao agroforestry – a sustainable livelihood strategy in the Peruvian Amazon

‘’Plato or Plumo’’. There is no other way I could start this article than by mentioning the famous intimidating words of Pablo Escobar, the drug lord who reigned not just Colombia but entire Latin America in the 1970s. It literally...
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Climate action Natural Sciences Opinions

Climate change: Permafrost carbon remobilization

In recent years, fires in the Amazon Forest and in Australia caused worldwide dismay, showing how interconnected the globe is when we talk about climate change. Similarly, this global phenomenon means that environmental changes in polar regions also concern the...
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Affordable and clean energy Applied Sciences Clean water and sanitation Climate action News

Circular economy: Breaking the plastic waves

This article pertains to my ongoing MSc thesis in Sustainable Biotechnology, in which I am examining the role of bio-based plastics in the transition to a circular economy in Denmark. I am due to complete my Master’s in June 2021....
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Clean water and sanitation Climate action Opinions Partnerships for the goals

MUCED: Personal development, educational development at universities and practical environmental development in the Malaysian society

One of the first Malaysian students to benefit from the MUCED programme was professor Suhaimi Abdul Talib. In 2001 he went to Denmark to work on his Ph.D. project Anoxic transformations of wastewater organic matter in sewers – process kinetics, model concept and wastewater treatment potential. During two periods of three months, he had his day-to-day work in the laboratories of Institute of Environmental Engineering at Aalborg University.
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Affordable and clean energy Climate action News Peace, justice and strong institutions Reduced inequalities

Thabit Jacob: Winners and losers in the green energy transition

Achieving UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) requires careful attention to the risk of potential contradictions between the individual goals. For instance, how do we make energy both clean, affordable and accessible? Tanzanian Doctoral researcher Thabit Jacob’s scholarly contribution highlights the complexities of the global green energy transition. Especially the challenges in the sub-Saharan countries where most people are living without electricity.
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Climate action News Partnerships for the goals Responsible consumption and production Zero hunger

Food innovation for a sustainable future

It is becoming increasingly more evident that meat overconsumption is problematic due to various factors and there are direct consequences to the patterns of meat consumption in excess. I met with Ph.D. student Krishnachandra Sharma Hidangmayum, at University of Copenhagen Department of Food Science, to learn about his insights in the subject and the work he has done to advance sustainable solutions in food innovation.
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Climate action Opinions Partnerships for the goals

“I benefitted so much” – experiences from TUCED

In the beginning of the 21st century, the TUCED programme initiated exchange programmes for Danish and Thai master students. To Warisara Sereewatthanachai it meant that she could help bring new methods for substance analysis into the private sector in Thailand.
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