Peace, justice and strong institutions

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Peace, justice and strong institutions

News Peace, justice and strong institutions

Strengthening South Voices in Danish Mainstream Media

The successful completion of last year’s ambitious project, “South Voices in Mainstream Danish Media”, has inspired DDRN to try to define a just as ambitious follow-up project. "South Voices in Danish Mainstream Media" was an ambitious project, which ran from...
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Art and Humanities News Opinions Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

The Silence of Africa: Exploring Africa’s Media Coverage in Denmark

In the diverse landscape of global news, Africa often finds itself relegated to the sidelines, especially within the Danish media. Even with its diverse range of biodiversity, cultures, and political environments, Africa's presence in Danish media is still disproportionately minimal....
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Opinions Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

Election in Bhutan amid Economic and Social Woes

Bhutan recently went through a successful democratic election. Unlike other parts of South Asia where vote-rigging, an unlevel playing field, and toxic bashing of electoral opponents’ plague elections, elections in January 2024 in the country were in general peaceful. Squeezed...
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Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

ID-Cards give Legal Identity to some Ugandans – but not all

A young Danish researcher from African Studies is observing how people in Uganda are navigating a new digitalized certification system which doesn’t recognize everybody as citizens – even when they have lived in the country for generations In Uganda’s capital...
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Applied Sciences Climate action Natural Sciences Opinions Partnerships for the goals Peace, justice and strong institutions Zero hunger

Funding Policies in the North Hurt Capacity Building in the South

Denmark has valuable experience in running an efficient research administration. It’s important to continue sharing this experience with the global South countries like Ghana in order to address risks of bureaucracy, according to an experienced Danish development researcher In many...
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Art and Humanities Decent work and economic growth Peace, justice and strong institutions Resources

Exploring the Junction between Colonialism and Climate Crisis in Caribbean Literature

A young Danish literature researcher is reading novels and poems from the Caribbean archipelago in order to understand the relationship between colonial history and environmental degradation. Literature is always mirroring the society around it. Sometimes this mirror even influences the...
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Opinions Partnerships for the goals Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

Research Collaboration With China Has Become More Difficult in the Age of Corona

In today’s world, it is extremely important for academics to keep having contacts in China, but it has to happen in a way in which you are not ruining your best sources. However, this is not easy, according to an...
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Peace, justice and strong institutions Resources Social Sciences

How an Empirical Case Becomes a Valuable Research Partner

A Canadian networking grant has funded an international research network about migration studies, making it possible for a number of researchers from the Global South to join. “I am not a development researcher in the traditional sense”, says Professor Martin...
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Art and Humanities Good health and well-being News Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

Civil Society Defence against Red Tagging in the Philippines

On November 17, 2023, the Danish NGO Nunca Mas celebrates its 10-year jubilee. Having implemented a range of human rights projects with NGO partners in Ecuador, Honduras, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe. Nunca Mas and its members can review...
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Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

Universities in Ecuador Play an Essential Role in Defending Human Rights

Back in June 2022, an 18-day national strike in Ecuador led by the indigenous movement Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities from Ecuador (CONAIE), practically paralyzed the country.The protesters demanded better conditions for the many poor in Ecuador, including the indigenous population....
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Art and Humanities Peace, justice and strong institutions Resources

Transforming Migration Through the Arts

Artists are conducting art workshops with migrants in order to increase their self-esteem and well-being, but the whole event is basically research fieldwork. The workshops are observed and described by researchers, and the artists themselves are another kind of researchers.Artists...
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Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

Only the Local Researchers Know the Insider-Nuances

Researchers from North and South are supporting each other in a Danish-supported network exploring how young people in West Africa navigate streams of information about security and other local matters in a new media landscape. When researchers and reporters come...
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Art and Humanities Gender equality Good health and well-being Peace, justice and strong institutions Resources Social Sciences

Exploring LGBTQ+ Rights and Pride: A Look at the Contrasting Realities in Guatemala and Sweden

Guatemala and Sweden have significantly different approaches to LGBTQ+ rights and Pride celebrations. By comparing and contrasting Prides in Malmö and Guatemala City, this article examines the nuances and challenges faced by the queer community within their respective cultural and...
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Opinions Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

How to Use New Legislation as a Way to Reduce the Risk of Hunger in the Global South

A professor in international development law is a kind of ”technician”, who can be recruited to contribute to broader research and development projects. That is the modest approach of one of the pioneers in the field. A teacher in a...
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Art and Humanities Opinions Partnerships for the goals Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

We Have Different Knowledge Pools in South and North

Expertise in Middle Eastern development is getting more concentrated among researchers with roots and base in the Middle East itself. It makes good sense, but it is also making Denmark and the Western world more vulnerable, says an experienced Middle...
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Applied Sciences Life on land Opinions Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

Danish Development Research Must Pay Attention to the Tech-Field

New technologies open the way for new possible approaches to developing the Global South – and new methods for researching this development. A Danish anthropologist has become a professor at the IT University in Copenhagen. One of his aims is...
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Decent work and economic growth Gender equality News Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

The Middle East: Uganda’s New Garden Where ‘Everyone Wants to Try Their Luck’ (2:2)

Joanna Ndagire, who was trafficked to the Middle East in 2017, and worked there as a maid, is now an activist against human trafficking. She says that the main push factor for young women into the Middle East is the...
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Decent work and economic growth Gender equality News Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

The Middle East: Uganda’s New Garden Where ‘Everyone Wants to Try Their Luck’ (1:2)

Ugandan women continue to flock to the Middle East mainly to work as maids, despite harrowing tales of enslavement, torture and discrimination. In fact, many go back for a second and third stint, even after they have spoken very badly...
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Opinions Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

Africa should not simply be seen as a place to be developed

Studying Africa and doing African Studies is not the same. African Studies can contribute meaningfully to positive transformations of African realities, based as much as possible on African terms, says the president of the European African Studies Association. “I am...
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News Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

The Role of the University in the Transition After the Armed Conflict in Colombia

When the Colombian government and the guerrilla group FARC signed the peace deal back in 2016, it was only the beginning of a long road towards a, in theory, more peaceful country after four decades of armed conflict. Part of...
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