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Social Sciences

Good health and well-being Natural Sciences Social Sciences

Girls drop out of school because of menstruation

Silence about menstruationIn many countries in the Global South menstruation is still perceived as taboo. During the time of menstruation girls and women must face many challenges, discrimination, harassment, social exclusion, and perceptions such as describing menstruation as shameful and...
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Good health and well-being Natural Sciences News No poverty Social Sciences

COVID-19’s extra torture on Kenya’s elderly

In the thick trees on the outskirts of Kisumu City in Kenya, a hut is as isolated as the 76-year-old woman who owns and lives in it alone. Without a child of her own, Mary Atieno had called people "son"...
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News Social Sciences

Maria Eriksson-Baaz: ”We should reformulate development studies as a field that mainly analyses the vast development industry and really work at globalizing the other disciplines” earlier covered the intervention of Professor Maria Eriksson-Baaz, Uppsala University, Sweden, during the roundtable ”Development Thinking in Flux - Continuity and/or Change” at the DevRes 2021 Conference. In this interview, Maria Eriksson-Baaz responds in writing to a series of...
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News Social Sciences

The Neo-Colonialism in Development Studies

Despite the Global South being the breeding ground for research in development studies, there is a marked underrepresentation of researchers from the region in the field. This entails, the research risk of missing the local perspective—a phenomenon which some experts...
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News Opinions Partnerships for the goals Social Sciences

Globalize the disciplines! Decolonize development studies! What is left of “development” with an ever-expanding development agenda through the SDGs? What does the expansion mean for our understanding of “development” and “development research”? These fundamental questions about the future of development research were addressed during the...
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Opinions Responsible consumption and production Social Sciences

Humans and Waste: Reconfiguring the city through recycling

For almost a decade, in the center of the city of Copenhagen, a community has established themself in the area of «Fredens Havn» (Port of Peace) or " Pirate Port", as some have called it. These group of ships and...
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News Social Sciences

The impact of the corona crisis is uneven – women are hit hard

The corona pandemic is like a magnifying glass making visible a range of problems. Vulnerable groups are becoming even more vulnerable, in Denmark and in the Global South. The pandemic points to inequalities within both societies, and this could be...
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Gender equality News Social Sciences

Sexual violence against refugees – South Sudanese women and girls in the Bidibidi settlement, Uganda

Women and girls fleeing from conflict or crisis areas mostly experience or witness crimes and violence in their home country as well as during the transit stage of their demanding journey to other countries. However, many of them are at...
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Gender equality Resources Social Sciences

Noise in the houses: Missing women and girls in Peru

The consequences of the coronavirus in Peru go far beyond health and the economy. Female disappearances in the Latin American country have reached 11,828 in 2020, the year of the pandemic. Many are victims of sexist violence. The case of...
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Resources Social Sciences

Community well-being in Kiribati during the Covid-19 crisis

In this article I present my master thesis for the NOHA+ programme in International Humanitarian Action. My research covers three of the major challenges of the 21st century: immobility, climate change and the Covid-19 pandemic. The three phenomena are framed...
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