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Social Sciences

Opinions Partnerships for the goals Quality education Social Sciences

The Inclusion of International Students vs. Western Supremacy in Higher Education

Third World Countries, the Global North and the Global South. These are a couple of terms through which people describe certain areas in the world. This happens throughout all fields, but especially within educational systems. It is almost never easy...
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Art and Humanities News Opinions Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

The Silence of Africa: Exploring Africa’s Media Coverage in Denmark

In the diverse landscape of global news, Africa often finds itself relegated to the sidelines, especially within the Danish media. Even with its diverse range of biodiversity, cultures, and political environments, Africa's presence in Danish media is still disproportionately minimal....
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Opinions Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

Election in Bhutan amid Economic and Social Woes

Bhutan recently went through a successful democratic election. Unlike other parts of South Asia where vote-rigging, an unlevel playing field, and toxic bashing of electoral opponents’ plague elections, elections in January 2024 in the country were in general peaceful. Squeezed...
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Art and Humanities Climate action Gender equality Good health and well-being News No poverty Social Sciences

Forskningens Døgn 2024: Fattige, udsatte, udstødte i Nord og Syd

Torsdag den 25.april 2024, kl. 19.00-21.15, GRATIS ADGANG                    Sted: Maskinhallen, Sundholmsvej 28A, 2300 Kbh. S.   Klik for kort!Tilmelding: Send e-mail med navn til       Arrangør: Danish Development Research Network...
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Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

ID-Cards give Legal Identity to some Ugandans – but not all

A young Danish researcher from African Studies is observing how people in Uganda are navigating a new digitalized certification system which doesn’t recognize everybody as citizens – even when they have lived in the country for generations In Uganda’s capital...
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Decent work and economic growth No poverty Opinions Reduced inequalities Social Sciences

Taxation Transactions are not a One-Way Street!

According to the African Department of the IMF, the main emphasis on domestic revenue mobilisation (DRM) stands as a key priority in meeting Africa’s extensive developmental needs. Considering the recent COVID-19 pandemic, both global north and south researchers have advocated...
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Partnerships for the goals Responsible consumption and production Social Sciences

Global South-North Divide: Local Innovations Should Be Upscaled and More Just Conditions Introduced

If you are interested in international relations and development, you have probably come across the terms: Global South and Global North. Chances are you are using them without a second thought. But have you ever asked yourself how we came...
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Decent work and economic growth Industry, innovation and infrastructure Resources Social Sciences

How Economic Development is Embedded in National Institutional Systems

Development outcomes, including the ability to capture gains from globalization, depend, to a large degree, on national embeddedness of economic activities. A Danish professor has observed this interaction over many years in Indonesia’s development. While firms are the primary economic...
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Opinions Partnerships for the goals Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

Research Collaboration With China Has Become More Difficult in the Age of Corona

In today’s world, it is extremely important for academics to keep having contacts in China, but it has to happen in a way in which you are not ruining your best sources. However, this is not easy, according to an...
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Peace, justice and strong institutions Resources Social Sciences

How an Empirical Case Becomes a Valuable Research Partner

A Canadian networking grant has funded an international research network about migration studies, making it possible for a number of researchers from the Global South to join. “I am not a development researcher in the traditional sense”, says Professor Martin...
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