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Good health and well-being Natural Sciences News Partnerships for the goals

Venezuela: How Researching During a Humanitarian Crisis Makes You a Better Scientist

He has his office in the campus of Harlingen in at the Institute of Neuroscience, just beside one of the entrance points for the many Latin American migrants to the US. Physician scientist expert on Blood Pressure and epidemiology in...
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Applied Sciences Climate action Natural Sciences Opinions Partnerships for the goals Peace, justice and strong institutions Zero hunger

Funding Policies in the North Hurt Capacity Building in the South

Denmark has valuable experience in running an efficient research administration. It’s important to continue sharing this experience with the global South countries like Ghana in order to address risks of bureaucracy, according to an experienced Danish development researcher In many...
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Affordable and clean energy Applied Sciences Climate action Natural Sciences Opinions Social Sciences

The Importance of Studying Latin America When it Comes to Sustainability

A British researcher in Aalborg is working with anti-fracking movements and environmental issues in Latin America. According to her, Latin America adds something extra to the debate about our societies’ perspectives on nature. She regrets that Latin American studies are...
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Applied Sciences Good health and well-being Natural Sciences News

Mexico: Researching the Brain Plasticity and Breaking the Stigma of Mental Illness

He has a passion for understanding that, what makes us human. It all started with observing neurons in a microscope, just like a Nobel Laureate 100 years ago. And this Mexican neuroscientist also wants to raise awareness of mental health...
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Life below water Natural Sciences Resources

A Love Story: How Chileans Try to Protect Their Coast and Ocean From Climate Crisis

Humans have a deep love and longing for the ocean. For centuries, we have written poems, composed songs, created paintings, and made sculptures to express this deep love and devotion. At first, this love was mixed with fear because of...
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Applied Sciences Life on land Natural Sciences Resources Responsible consumption and production

Missing the Long Term Perspective on Development

Advisors have been replaced by consultants. Broader projects have partially been replaced by narrower ones with singular purposes. This has had both positive and negative impact on the development research that takes place, says a Danish veteran. Once upon a...
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Applied Sciences Climate action Life on land Natural Sciences Partnerships for the goals Resources

Fieldwork and Big Data – Researching the Maasai Mara Savannah in Kenya

Researchers from Aarhus University are involved in finding sustainable ways for wildlife and indigenous lifestyles to survive in the Maasai Mara savannah in Kenya. Traditional fieldwork among the population is one way to do it, working with big data from...
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Applied Sciences Natural Sciences Partnerships for the goals

South-North Research Partnership is Crucial, But Inequalities Remain

The fundamental inequalities in research projects are still the same as they were 30 years ago and they are not likely to disappear. According to an experienced Danish researcher, there is a strong need for such projects in the future,...
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Good health and well-being Natural Sciences Resources

The Golden Moment of Any Science is When Your Ideas are Contradicted by Data

A veteran Danish anthropologist who received a doctorate in medicine for describing the effects of vaccination on reducing the rate of child deaths in the Global South have contributed to a paradigm shift twice in his life. An academic researcher...
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Climate action Life on land Natural Sciences News

Global Warming: Heat Waves Test Human Endurance in South Asia

The summer of 2022 will be remembered as a brutal season in the history of climate change.  Heatwaves killed at least 90 people in India and Pakistan, as the temperature soared as high as 46-48 degrees centigrade. Europe saw heatwaves...
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