
Bolivian researcher Carla Colque-Little
throws light on the superfood-crop quinoa
Mercury: The Silent Death in the Bolivian Amazon
Women, motherhood, and science in Colombia

Women, motherhood, and science in Colombia

Tracking environmental crimes in Ghana

Tracking environmental crimes in Ghana

Young people in Chile feel overwhelmed and boredduring the pandemic

Young people in Chile feel overwhelmed
and bored during the pandemic

The fresh food in this outdoor fridge is for everyone who need it

The fresh food in this outdoor fridge
is for everyone who need it

Sex-workers in Ecuador badly affected by COVID-19

Sex-workers in Ecuador badly affected by COVID-19

Lost teenagers in Uganda during the pandemics

Lost teenagers in Uganda during the pandemics

Noise in the houses: Missing women and girls in Peru
Noise in the houses: Missing women and girls in Peru

AfricaLics (Part 2):

A first-hand account of the
Visiting Fellowship Programme experience


Access to loans for the poor:

Microfinance in northern Uganda

Members of Mali's National Guard and Police attend a crowd control traininG

New research 2021:

How do the young in West Africa navigate
streams of information in times of crises?


New research 2021:

Illegal resource extraction and state formation
in emerging African democracies


Ethnographic Research:

One Man’s Long Journey to PhD



Female scientist fighting for her place
studying climate change in Ecuador

Sunset panorama at La Silla

Same sky, different insights:

Danish-Chilean research collaboration on astronomy



“The spectacled bear just doesn’t
sell as well as the polar bear”


Helene Risør:

Traces of a Danish anthropologist
at the end of the world



The troubles of a science PhD from the West


Gulu’s Post War Urban Youth:

Where is their Future?



Water harvesting for food security
and income generation for rural women

Experto en cambio climatico


Making local people participate in
climate change research that are going to save their lives


Resistant crops:

On the road towards
perfectly climate adapted wheat


Indigenous trees:

Oryema, the Woman of the Wild Plants



Blockchain backing transparency?

Burkina Faso Dubi8 flickr_slider

Only the Local Researchers Know the Insider-Nuances

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Driving Tanzanian ‘Sayansi’

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DDRN Seminar: Mutual South-North learning? Taking stock of development studies at Aalborg University

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Climbing the social ladder or making a difference?

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Research for advocacy

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Communicating Africa: Need to know – Nice to know

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