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Apply now: University Student Internship with – Autumn 2022

Do you want to sharpen your skills as a science journalist working with the Sustainable Development Goals? Danish Development Research Network (DDRN) is currently mapping research on sustainable development by researchers from the Global South studying and working in Denmark,...
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Asger Roejle Christensen is DDRN Research News Editor

Allow me to give a short presentation of myself. My name is Asger Roejle Christensen, the new parttime research news editor at Danish Development Research Network.I am an experienced journalist, just turned 65 years old. I am indeed grateful to...
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News Opinions Partnerships for the goals Social Sciences

Globalize the disciplines! Decolonize development studies! What is left of “development” with an ever-expanding development agenda through the SDGs? What does the expansion mean for our understanding of “development” and “development research”? These fundamental questions about the future of development research were addressed during the...
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Gender equality News

The new Mr Kerala opens up the pathway for transgender bodybuilding in India

Coming from India, I was gladdened to see plenty of rainbow flags flying everywhere in Copenhagen during the just concluded Worldpride 2021. Never in my mind had I imagined a pride parade drawing in such a large crowd. From kids...
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Swedish Development Research Network (SWEDEV) launched!

The strong tradition of development research in Sweden dates about six decades back. Both internationally and in the Nordic context, Swedish development researchers have made significant contributions. However, until this Spring, no formal association of development researchers has existed in...
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Gender equality News

Migration in the context of conflict and resource struggles: Experiences of Burmese migrants in Thailand

Why do people migrate? – Having stayed in Europe for almost two years now, this question becomes a point of reflection for me. As a young woman, I grabbed the chance to study in Europe. I see it as an...
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Food communities build solidarity in times of crisis

In many ways Chile and Denmark are very different. Denmark is a country with a well-functioning welfare system in the Global North, while Chile despite being one of the wealthier countries in Latin America and in the Global South, still...
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News Social Sciences

The impact of the corona crisis is uneven – women are hit hard

The corona pandemic is like a magnifying glass making visible a range of problems. Vulnerable groups are becoming even more vulnerable, in Denmark and in the Global South. The pandemic points to inequalities within both societies, and this could be...
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Gender equality News Social Sciences

Sexual violence against refugees – South Sudanese women and girls in the Bidibidi settlement, Uganda

Women and girls fleeing from conflict or crisis areas mostly experience or witness crimes and violence in their home country as well as during the transit stage of their demanding journey to other countries. However, many of them are at...
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News Partnerships for the goals

What will Covid-19 mean for the future of development aid?

Covid-19 is the single biggest challenge which has confronted the planet since the second world war and its effect has been nothing short of devastating. Millions upon millions have lost their lives, Livelihoods have been shattered as the global economy...
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