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Research by Discipline

Art and Humanities Peace, justice and strong institutions Resources

Transforming Migration Through the Arts

Artists are conducting art workshops with migrants in order to increase their self-esteem and well-being, but the whole event is basically research fieldwork. The workshops are observed and described by researchers, and the artists themselves are another kind of researchers.Artists...
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Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

Only the Local Researchers Know the Insider-Nuances

Researchers from North and South are supporting each other in a Danish-supported network exploring how young people in West Africa navigate streams of information about security and other local matters in a new media landscape. When researchers and reporters come...
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Decent work and economic growth Industry, innovation and infrastructure Opinions Social Sciences

The World Has Many Other Axises Than North-South

Development aid is nowadays indistinguishable from development financing. Thus, the development industry may no longer be the same development industry decolonization-focused researchers are critizising. A veteran in Danish development research warns against trends in the current debate.It is always a...
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Climate action Decent work and economic growth News Responsible consumption and production Social Sciences

EU: Towards a More Sustainable Corporate Development?

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) published in December 2022 is the most recent step towards a more sustainable development at a European Union level. In detail, it aims to ensure that companies provide adequate information regarding the way they...
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Decent work and economic growth Industry, innovation and infrastructure Opinions Responsible consumption and production Social Sciences

Toloue Miandar: Responsibility Makes The Difference In The Path Towards The SDGs

Sustainability is one of the most topical themes both for companies and individuals, as we are all involved in it. No matter what, the correct application of sustainability principles and policies may not be as easy as it seems for...
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Applied Sciences Clean water and sanitation News Responsible consumption and production

Dealing With a Water-Hungry Enterprise: How Science is Looking for a Water-Less Copper Industry in Chile

Chile has its massive copper mining industry to thank for a sizable portion of its gross national production, but the country can also point to this same sector as the culprit in a major drought that has affected this region...
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Good health and well-being News Social Sciences Zero hunger

Ecuador: The highest number of chronic child malnutrition in South America

Back there, intertwingled with the clouds, is the snowy mountain of Carihuairazo. The altitude here in the town of Tisaleo is more than 3.200 meters above sea level. Up here the air is dry. This area is known for agriculture,...
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Opinions Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

How to Use New Legislation as a Way to Reduce the Risk of Hunger in the Global South

A professor in international development law is a kind of ”technician”, who can be recruited to contribute to broader research and development projects. That is the modest approach of one of the pioneers in the field. A teacher in a...
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No poverty Reduced inequalities Resources Social Sciences Zero hunger

Measuring ‘Poverty in Bundles’: A New Method to Target Poverty Reduction

The Global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) is a yearly publication by the UN that measures worldwide poverty levels. This year, a new way to address poverty was introduced. For the first time, it uses a concept called ‘poverty in bundles’,...
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Art and Humanities Opinions Partnerships for the goals Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

We Have Different Knowledge Pools in South and North

Expertise in Middle Eastern development is getting more concentrated among researchers with roots and base in the Middle East itself. It makes good sense, but it is also making Denmark and the Western world more vulnerable, says an experienced Middle...
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