Creativity in technology design – bridging knowledge communities in China and Denmark

Chunfang Zhuo is Associate Professor at Department of Planning at Aalborg University (AAU). Ten years ago, she came to Denmark on a PhD scholarship to study ‘Group Creativity Development in Problem and Project-Based Learning Environment in Engineering Education’. Her research is cross-cultural comparing young engineers in China and Denmark. A key question is how humour is used differently for creativity in technology design.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

The UN 2015 Report Transforming Our World defines a set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to guide world development until 2030. The 17 SDGs are universal by definition. Private sector, public and civil society organisations worldwide refer to the SDGs. At, the SDGs will serve as a basic classification when covering contributions of knowledge for sustainable development.

Research for advocacy

Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) make use of research findings when advocating program interventions and policy reform. Anne Sørensen, who was the Chief Coordinator of DDRN 2007-2011, tells about a few examples from her present work as the Programme Manager for Education in Oxfam IBIS, Denmark. Anne Sørensen feels that a thorough mapping of research practises and research needs of development NGOs would help to set research agendas.

Communicating Africa: Need to know – Nice to know

In Spring 2017, Center of African Studies (CAS), University of Copenhagen organised a seminar to discuss how Africa is represented by media and non-governmental organisations. Stig Jensen, who is an Associate Professor at CAS and frequently appearing in media on African issues, shared his research findings on the media coverage in Denmark under the heading: Does Danish media prefer news from Africa that confirms a pessimistic perspective and what might be some of the reasons for this?

Monuments, enquiry and research

The centenary of the sale of three West Indian Islands by the Danish Government to the United States of America was marked in Denmark by a wide range of academic, cultural and artistic events. This post tells about the traces of slave trade in the built environment in greater Copenhagen, a contemporary art exhibition asking questions about identity and rights, and about a new research project comparing forced migration in the past and present.