Program | Monday 23 April 2018, 19.00-21.00 – Download: Click the title of a presentation! |
19.00-19.05 | Welcome by Arne Wangel, DDRN: Rationale and key issues in the DDRN research communication project |
19.05-19.15 | Jørgen Dige Pedersen, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Political Science, Aarhus University: Introduction – Taking stock of Development studies at Aarhus University |
19.15-19.45 | Saowalak Bunma, PhD student, Dept. of Bioscience, Aarhus University: My research within Ecoinformatics and Biodiversity and my experiences as a PhD student |
19.45-19.55 | Break with refreshments |
19.55-20.20 | Panel discussion: South-North research cooperation – key issues Brief introduction by each panellist: Anders Barfod, Dept. of Bioscience – Ecoinformatics and Biodiversity, Aarhus University: Environment, sustainability and development Torsten Rødel Berg, Senior advisor, Dept. of Agro Ecology, Aarhus University: Building Stronger Universities, phase 3: Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana Uwe Skoda, Assoc. Prof., School of Culture and Society – India and South Asia Studies, Aarhus University: the Nordic Centre in India Anne Mette Kjær, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Political Science, Aarhus University, Political Settlements and Revenue Bargains in Africa Annette Skovsted Hansen, Assoc. Prof., School of Culture and Society – Japan Studies, Aarhus University: Research partnerships and research capacity building – Consultative Research Committee for Development Research (FFU), DANIDA. |
20.20-20.55 | Panel discussion continued and Q&A |
20.55-21.00 | Closing remarks by Jørgen Dige Pedersen |
As part of a research communication project focusing on South researchers in Denmark, DDRN organises a public seminar in each of the five university cities, starting on 14 February 2018 in Aalborg. The objective of the seminars is two-fold:
- To communicate research findings by a South researcher (PhD or Postdoc) currently working at a Danish university
- To discuss challenges and outcomes in South-North research cooperation; a panel comprising the South researcher, faculty staff, and other stakeholders will initiate the discussion and invite the audience to comment
Presentations and key points from the discussion will be published on The research communication project is funded by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science.