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Social Sciences

Art and Humanities Good health and well-being News Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

Civil Society Defence against Red Tagging in the Philippines

On November 17, 2023, the Danish NGO Nunca Mas celebrates its 10-year jubilee. Having implemented a range of human rights projects with NGO partners in Ecuador, Honduras, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe. Nunca Mas and its members can review...
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Affordable and clean energy Applied Sciences Climate action Natural Sciences Opinions Social Sciences

The Importance of Studying Latin America When it Comes to Sustainability

A British researcher in Aalborg is working with anti-fracking movements and environmental issues in Latin America. According to her, Latin America adds something extra to the debate about our societies’ perspectives on nature. She regrets that Latin American studies are...
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No poverty Opinions Partnerships for the goals Social Sciences

True South-North Collaboration Takes Time

Development is not what it used to be and neither is development research. Changes happened even faster during the years of the Covid-19 pandemic. A very experienced American fieldworker, professor at Copenhagen Business School Lisa Ann Richey, has been an...
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Applied Sciences Resources Responsible consumption and production Social Sciences

Ghana vs. E-waste: Relevance of E-waste Legislation in Ghana

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), e-waste/Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) is one of the fastest-growing waste streams in the world. E-waste includes electrical or electronic equipment, along with its parts and components, that are approaching the end...
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Applied Sciences Responsible consumption and production Social Sciences

The Role of Women in Reducing Organic Waste in Chile

Climate change is one of the main challenges that humanity faces around the world today. And women being half of the world's population have been taking this crisis really seriously, especially in Chile, one of the countries that generates the...
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Opinions Partnerships for the goals Social Sciences

A Great Transition for Development Researchers in South and North

”For development research to thrive in the future, we have to take it very seriously, that it should be a global enterprise rather than merely Northern researchers doing fieldwork in the South”, says professor Anne Mette Kjær at Aarhus University....
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Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

Universities in Ecuador Play an Essential Role in Defending Human Rights

Back in June 2022, an 18-day national strike in Ecuador led by the indigenous movement Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities from Ecuador (CONAIE), practically paralyzed the country.The protesters demanded better conditions for the many poor in Ecuador, including the indigenous population....
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Peace, justice and strong institutions Social Sciences

Only the Local Researchers Know the Insider-Nuances

Researchers from North and South are supporting each other in a Danish-supported network exploring how young people in West Africa navigate streams of information about security and other local matters in a new media landscape. When researchers and reporters come...
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Decent work and economic growth Industry, innovation and infrastructure Opinions Social Sciences

The World Has Many Other Axises Than North-South

Development aid is nowadays indistinguishable from development financing. Thus, the development industry may no longer be the same development industry decolonization-focused researchers are critizising. A veteran in Danish development research warns against trends in the current debate.It is always a...
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Climate action Decent work and economic growth News Responsible consumption and production Social Sciences

EU: Towards a More Sustainable Corporate Development?

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) published in December 2022 is the most recent step towards a more sustainable development at a European Union level. In detail, it aims to ensure that companies provide adequate information regarding the way they...
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