

Gender equality News Peace, justice and strong institutions Reduced inequalities Social Sciences

Equity and gender equality after Covid19 – Lockdown violence and cashless cities under the pandemic

Coronavirus restrictions and sexual assault are intensely debated these days among the Danish public. Even though these discussions are not necessarily interrelated, we have seen that sexual violence and violence against women more broadly have surged worldwide during the Covid...
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News Social Sciences

New research 2020 – CASH-IN: privately managed cash transfers in Africa

On 1 September 2020, a major research effort was launched for a duration of five years to study whether privately managed cash transfers are able to avoid the kind of capture by ruling elites experienced by publicly managed. The project...
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Industry, innovation and infrastructure Natural Sciences News Sustainable cities and communities

No such thing as waste: resource recovery and shifting perceptions

‘Out of sight, out of mind’ is a well-known expression, but one with pernicious effects in the context of waste. We’ve always done things a certain way. Things are made, used, and thrown away. But where do all these thrown-away things go? What do they become? What could they become? Our linear way of thinking and behaving is being increasingly criticised as landfills overflow, water supplies dry up, and air becomes unbreathable.
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Industry, innovation and infrastructure Natural Sciences News Sustainable cities and communities

No such thing as waste: resource recovery and shifting perceptions

‘Out of sight, out of mind’ is a well-known expression, but one with pernicious effects in the context of waste. We’ve always done things a certain way. Things are made, used, and thrown away. But where do all these thrown-away...
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Affordable and clean energy Applied Sciences Clean water and sanitation Climate action News

Circular economy: Breaking the plastic waves

This article pertains to my ongoing MSc thesis in Sustainable Biotechnology, in which I am examining the role of bio-based plastics in the transition to a circular economy in Denmark. I am due to complete my Master’s in June 2021....
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News Peace, justice and strong institutions

New research 2021: How do the young in West Africa navigate streams of information in times of crises?

The Independent Research Fund Denmark - Humanities has granted DKK 1.2 mill. to an international network of researchers, who will explore how young people in West Africa navigate streams of information in crises of security, health, and migration. Project leader: Heidi Bojsen, Department of Communication and Arts, Roskilde University
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Life on land News Peace, justice and strong institutions

New research 2021: Illegal resource extraction and state formation in emerging African democracies

The Independent Research Fund Denmark – Social Sciences has granted DKK 2,7 mill. to Postdoc Paul Austin Stacey, Department of Social Sciences and Business, Roskilde University. Illegally accessed resources comprise an expanding, billion-dollar sector in many sub-Saharan African countries. The new project is focusing on illegal gold mining in Ghana.
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News No poverty

Access to loans for the poor: Microfinance in northern Uganda

Walk into a local market in Uganda and you will be struck with a range of fresh fruits; mangoes, tomatoes, melons, pineapples, name it. They are arranged invitingly on the ground or on a stand to tickle your thirst and appetite. The seller is usually a woman.
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Good health and well-being News Partnerships for the goals Peace, justice and strong institutions

Ethnographic Research: One Man’s Long Journey to PhD

Sulayman Mpisi Babiiha’s PhD experience represents the epitome of perseverance of an academic. His account is touching, but because he speaks with so much calmness, I can take it in with some ease. He has been pursuing his PhD certificate for ten years and he won’t give up the hope yet.
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Life below water News

The shark case in Colombia – including researchers in policymaking

A recent controversial resolution on fishing quota in Colombia, that permitted to catch sharks, have had a strong reaction in the scientific area. Three private universities in Bogota managed to make the government go over it again, after making a common call to include researchers and studies.
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