


Low carbon urbanisation policy in China – connecting with an AAU research group

Qiaoran Wang travelled from China to the Sustainable Energy Planning Research Group at Aalborg University (AAU) for co-supervision during her PhD project on urbanisation and energy transition in China. China is going through a process of rapid urbanisation. The priority to increase the use of renewable energy motivated Qiaoran Wang to focus on low carbon urbanisation policy. How can renewable energy be used in the residential sector? She spent the final year with the research group and went back to her home university, Yunnan University, South West China, in September 2018 for the PhD defence.
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Ubuntu – a different meaning altogether

Ubuntu refers to African customary law, based on the value: ‘I am because we are’. Nadeem Salie’s PhD thesis argues, as entitled, that ‘The utilisation of Ubuntu can promote accountability in public officials and state institutions as well as give effect to social solidarity in South Africa’. Nadeem spent more than seven months at Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen, to study the Danish welfare state as part of his thesis work.
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DDRN Seminar: South-North research cooperation at University of Southern Denmark

The third DDRN seminar on South-North research cooperation takes place at the Odense campus of University of Southern Denmark. The PhD presentation is by Priscila De Morais Lima, who is an external PhD student, SDU Life Cycle Engineering, She will present her work on Solid waste management in Brazil.
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‘Brace, Brace for impact!’ You can’t eat your carbon pie, and have it too

Addressing an audience of frequent flyers at the Danish Institute of International Studies (DIIS) in Copenhagen, professor Kevin Anderson, called out for urgent CO2 reductions.
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Creativity in technology design – bridging knowledge communities in China and Denmark

Chunfang Zhuo is Associate Professor at Department of Planning at Aalborg University (AAU). Ten years ago, she came to Denmark on a PhD scholarship to study ‘Group Creativity Development in Problem and Project-Based Learning Environment in Engineering Education’. Her research is cross-cultural comparing young engineers in China and Denmark. A key question is how humour is used differently for creativity in technology design.
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DDRN Seminar: South-North research cooperation. Taking stock of development studies at AU

The second DDRN seminar on South North research cooperation was held at Aarhus University. Keynote was by Saowalak Bunma, PhD student at Dept. of Bioscience, on 'My research within Ecoinformatics and Biodiversity and my experiences as a PhD student in Denmark'
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Life on land News

Conserving palms is conserving the ecosystems

Meet the Ecuadorian palm-expert who has dedicated almost twenty years of his career to specialize in this plant-family which is widely popular – for conservation and industrial purpose. Just in Ecuador there are 140 palm species – and this man knows to distinguish them all.
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Life on land News

She is researching, what no-one pays attention to

Once dry tropical forests in Ecuador were common ecosystems. Now there is only eight % left of this type of forest, which has had the bad luck to compete with the most invasive of all species: The humans. Meet the Ecuadorian scientist who has specialized in the dry tropical forests.
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Life on land News

Researching the most biodiverse place on earth

Danish support to research in Ecuador has contributed to document the mega biodiversity in the national park of YASUNI – the biggest in the country, the most famous – and also by far the most controversial national park – maybe even in the South American continent.
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DDRN Seminar: Mutual South-North learning? Taking stock of development studies at Aalborg University

DDRN Seminar on Wednesday 14 February 2018, 19.00-21.00 Venue: Aalborg University, Rendsburggade 14, ground floor, room 4.105, Aalborg
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