

Partnerships for the goals Quality education Resources

Blended System: E-Learning and Democracy for Education in Africa

Geoffrey Tabo Olok in 2016 enrolled at Aalborg University to study e-learning for his PhD. Olok and his supervisors now have their eyes on an ambitious plan to establish a centre of excellence in ICT research and learning not only for Gulu University but also to improve Africa’s relevance in that area.
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Quality education Resources

From North to South: Gulu University Steadily Takes Up Problem Based Learning

On a cloudy October Friday at Gulu University, a few dozens of Masters students from the Faculty of Business and Development Studies fill up a little shelter set up by the Building Stronger Universities (BSU) project for workshops and conferences. One group after another, from within themselves, they step forward to present their research works to a makeshift team of internal and external examiners. The audience includes their peers, their supervisors, and professors Inger Lassen and Iben Jensen from Aalborg University in Denmark.
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Life below water Life on land Resources Responsible consumption and production

ELLS student conference – connecting life science students, sharing research

There are many opportunities for European and non-European students to travel around in Europe and in the world to meet other students and different realities. DDRN university intern, Dori Zantedeschi, joined the ELLS conference 2019 for life science students in Uppsala, Sweden, Here she introduces the conference and interviews three non-European students. 
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Affordable and clean energy Resources

“In Africa millions of people lack access to stable electricity”. Musa Bishir is on the quest for a change

During the ELLS Student Conference 2019, in Uppsala, I had the opportunity to attend Musa Bishir’s presentation about his Ph.D. research project on microbial fuel cells. After his presentation, I asked him if he was available to have a talk about his background and interests. We sat in the library in the Ultuna campus of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), which hosted ELLS 2019.
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Clean water and sanitation Resources

Changing the diet nationally affects water globally

In November 2019, Dori Zantedeschi was attending the ELLS Student Conference 2019, in Uppsala at Ultuna campus of the Swedish Agricultural University (SLU). Along with listening to students’ presentations, I was catching up with some friends that are part of the same double degree program as mine called Environmental Science in Europe (EnvEuro), but that I don’t have the opportunity to see often, since we study in different universities. For the last two years, the ELLS conference has been a fixed appointment for meeting each other.
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Life on land Resources

Being a Quilombola farmer and being considered a drug dealer

In November 2019, I was In Uppsala for the ELLS Student Conference (see article), organized by Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Ultuna campus. On the second and last day of the conference, I went to Danilo Crispim Massuela’s poster presentation. I like poster presentation, because the atmosphere is more familiar since you stand all around the poster and the presenter.
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Resources Sustainable cities and communities

What does success look like for the SDGs?

Governments, civil society actors such as large businesses, development consultancies and universities all have adopted the SDG framework and state that all future work will be carried out with them in mind. But what exactly are the SDGs? and are there any gaps in the SDG framework which hinders progress?
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Apply now: University Student Internship with – Autumn 2021

Do you want to sharpen your skills as a science journalist working with the Sustainable Development Goals? Danish Development Research Network (DDRN) is currently mapping research on sustainable development by researchers from the Global South studying and working in Denmark, and by their Danish host institutions. DDRN research communication performs critical reviews, encourage open access, and supports knowledge networking.
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Resources Sustainable cities and communities

‘Are the UN Sustainable Development Goals nothing more than a Smiley scheme for business?’

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) of the 2030 Agenda officially came into force on 1 January 2016 succeeding the UN Millennium Development Goals. How can we make sure that the SDG’s trigger the needed action from all stakeholders? That was the challenge which the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences (ATV) and the Danish Science Journalists Association jointly put to the panellists at a conference held at the Novozymes complex in Bagsværd on Friday, 8th of March 2019.
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News Resources

Prøv det derhjemme! Bæredygtig bolig, mad og transport – lokalt og globalt

DDRN dialogue with researchers during the Danish Science Festival on 25 April 2019, 16.30-18.30 at Studiestræde 6, Copenhagen. The dialogue is in Danish and entitled 'Try this at home! Sustainable home, food and transport' Discuss with three senior researchers at Danish universities and four PhD student from China, Pakistan and Bolivia currently studying in Denmark.
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