DDRN/UCPH seminar: South-North Research Cooperation at University of Copenhagen

Open Seminar: South-North research cooperation and future funding

Join us in the discussion of South-North research and educational cooperation at UCPH and the future funding possibilities (FFU). SCIENCE Sustainable Development Working Group, UCPH Global Development and Danish Development Research Network invite all interested to a seminar with examples from UCPH – with a focus on Southern PhD students – and the future cooperation and funding possibilities.

PROGRAMTuesday 29 October 2019, 13.00-15.00
13.00-13.05Welcome by Helle Samuelsen, Chair of University of Copenhagen working group on Global Development (UCPH Global Development)
13.05-13.10Welcome by Arne Wangel, Editor in Chief, DDRN: Rationale and key issues in the DDRN research communication project
13.10-13.20Quentin Gausset, Department of Anthropology: Presentation of the Master programme Global Development at UCPH – as head of studies
13.20-13.30Aske S. Bosselmann, Department of Food and Resource Economics, FFU: Fruits, Frustrations and Unity in a South-North research and PhD collaboration
13.30-13.50Carla Ximena Little, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, PhD student: Presentation of key issues from research study and reflections on the encounter with the academic culture in Denmark
13.50-14.00Break with refreshments
14.00-14.10Lene Møller Madsen, Department of Science Education: Presentation of findings from 30 years of Danish research cooperation with Africa – lessons learned
14.10-14.20Helle Samuelsen, Chair of UCPH Global Development: Strategic priorities of UCPH
14.20-14.30Flemming Konradsen, Chair of FFU: The future funding of Danish South-North research cooperation

Discussion – moderated by Stig Jensen, Centre for Africa Studies

– Challenges in South-North cooperation

– The role and responsibility of UCPH as a key player in Danish South-North research cooperation

14.55-15.00Closing remarks by Arne Wangel, DDRN


UCPH Global Development, SCIENCE Sustainable Development Working Group and DDRN (Danish Development Research Network) 


University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Science, Bülowsvej 17, 1870 Frederiksberg C. Auditorium A1-01.01 “Festauditoriet”


Send an email with your name to info@ddrn.dk

BEFORE 28 October 2019 at 12.00 hours