DDRN/CMI seminar: South-North research cooperation at Aalborg University Copenhagen

Thursday 23 May 2019, 15.00-18.00           click on name to download presentation
15.00-15.05Welcome by Reza Tadayoni, Assoc. Prof., Communication, Media and Information technologies (CMI), AAU
15.05-15.10Welcome by Arne Wangel, Editor in Chief, DDRN: Rationale and key issues in the DDRN research communication project
15.10-15.35Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Prof., Department of Communication & Psychology:
Transforming education trough information and communication technology (ICT) and problem- and project based learning (PBL). Experiences from the Building Stronger Universities Programme (BSU III) with Gulu University, Uganda.
15.35-16.00Key note: Idongesit Williams, Post Doc, Communication, Media and Information technologies (CMI), AAU
16.00-16.25Knud Erik Skouby, Professor, Communication, Media and Information technologies (CMI): The long-term record of cooperation with Ghana on development of telecommunication
16.25-16.35Break with refreshments
Augustine Yelfaanibe, PhD student, Department of Culture and Global Studies: Migration and Social Protection in Ghana
16.50-17.15Vibeke Andersson, Assoc. Prof. & Helene Balslev Clausen, Assoc. Prof., Department of Culture and Global Studies: Using PBL in sustainable development projects in Mexico. Methods and insights

Panel discussion:

  • Challenges in South-North research cooperation
  • Mutual South-North learning?
  • Do we need a tracer study and what should be the focus?

Brief introduction by each panellist: Reza Tadayoni, Lone Dirckinck -Holmfeld, Idongesit Williams, Knud Erik Skouby, Augustine Yelfaanibe, Vibeke Andersson & Helene Balslev Clausen, followed by comments and questions from the audience

17.55-18.00Closing remarks by Morten Falch, Assoc. Prof., CMI

Venue: Aalborg University (AAU) Copenhagen, A.C. Meyers Vænge 15, 2450 København SV. 

Room: Ground floor, Guest Canteen (in the lobby, canteen section to the right)

Registration (free):

Send an e-mail with your name to: info@ddrn.dk