Industry, innovation and infrastructure

no povertyzero hungergood health and well-beingquality educationgender equalityclean water and sanitationaffordable and clean energydecent work and economic growthindustry, innovation and infrastructurereduced inequalitiessustainable cities and communitiesresponsible consumption and productionclimate actionlife below waterlife on landpeace, justice and strong institutionspartnerships for the goals

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Affordable and clean energy Applied Sciences Industry, innovation and infrastructure Natural Sciences

Pataguas Cerro and La Cebada: The History of the First Community Photovoltaic Plants in the O’Higgins Region

In the middle of fertile valleys that produce corn, wheat, potatoes, oranges, lemons, avocados, peaches and grapes, and with the Cachapoal River as their northern boundary, the inhabitants of the communes of Pichidegua and Las Cabras live 140 kilometers from...
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Affordable and clean energy Applied Sciences Climate action Industry, innovation and infrastructure News Partnerships for the goals Sustainable cities and communities

Why Emerging Economies also need Knowledge Transfer of Environmental Engineering

How did you get involved in sustainability? Originally, I am an environmental chemist graduated from University of Copenhagen. My path into my current work is sustainability. By sustainable transition in developing economies, you can achieve results with far less resources...
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Decent work and economic growth Industry, innovation and infrastructure Resources Social Sciences

How Economic Development is Embedded in National Institutional Systems

Development outcomes, including the ability to capture gains from globalization, depend, to a large degree, on national embeddedness of economic activities. A Danish professor has observed this interaction over many years in Indonesia’s development. While firms are the primary economic...
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Decent work and economic growth Industry, innovation and infrastructure Opinions Social Sciences

The World Has Many Other Axises Than North-South

Development aid is nowadays indistinguishable from development financing. Thus, the development industry may no longer be the same development industry decolonization-focused researchers are critizising. A veteran in Danish development research warns against trends in the current debate.It is always a...
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Decent work and economic growth Industry, innovation and infrastructure Opinions Responsible consumption and production Social Sciences

Toloue Miandar: Responsibility Makes The Difference In The Path Towards The SDGs

Sustainability is one of the most topical themes both for companies and individuals, as we are all involved in it. No matter what, the correct application of sustainability principles and policies may not be as easy as it seems for...
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Applied Sciences Decent work and economic growth Industry, innovation and infrastructure Resources

Bamboo for SDGs: A Test for Uganda’s Nascent Industry

Giant bamboo towers over the security wall surrounding the home of a former minister in Kampala, making a dominant spectacle in a neighbourhood of dwindling greenery. Artistically, the tall culms and thick green leaves represent a developing country’s dream of...
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Industry, innovation and infrastructure Partnerships for the goals Resources Social Sciences

“A Strong Community of Development Researchers is Alive and Well in Denmark”

The community of development researchers has grown and been increasingly spread at several different environments in Denmark. Buzzwords change – but a clear focus on development remains, observes a veteran in the field. That is the observation by Soeren Jeppesen,...
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Industry, innovation and infrastructure Partnerships for the goals Responsible consumption and production Social Sciences

Danish Researcher: Who Will Ever Be Reading Our Policy Briefs?

Research into trade patterns and global value chains gave the research team a hands-on understanding of what economic globalization is all about.   Every time a research project, financed by either DANIDA or Independent Research Fund Denmark, is completed, the researcher...
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Applied Sciences Decent work and economic growth Industry, innovation and infrastructure News Social Sciences

Improving factory productivity at garments’ factories in Myanmar

When studying how to improve conditions at garments’ factories in Myanmar, researchers from University of Southern Denmark (SDU) have had to deal with cultural differences and a political backlash."Dear David. You need to learn how to be more Myanmar. We...
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Applied Sciences Industry, innovation and infrastructure Peace, justice and strong institutions

How to build an inexpensive African drone with ethics on board

Engineers and other staff from University of Southern Denmark are deeply involved in making drones with the precise purpose that they shall be used to ensure much more equal management of disputed land rights in Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone is...
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Industry, innovation and infrastructure Partnerships for the goals Resources

TAGDEV: An Example of How African Universities Are Moving Lower to Influence Change in Communities

African universities are under significant pressure to show their relevance to a continent that lags behind in many aspects of human and economic development. Parents send their children to school expecting them to get jobs and solve community problems. But...
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Industry, innovation and infrastructure Resources

AfricaLics (Part 2): A first-hand account of the Visiting Fellowship Programme (VFP) experience

This is the second of two articles about the organisation AfricaLics. In the first article, I speak with Dr Margrethe Holm Andersen about the organisation, its model, and her perspective of its impacts. You can read it here.  AfricaLics (an...
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Industry, innovation and infrastructure Natural Sciences News Sustainable cities and communities

No such thing as waste: resource recovery and shifting perceptions

‘Out of sight, out of mind’ is a well-known expression, but one with pernicious effects in the context of waste. We’ve always done things a certain way. Things are made, used, and thrown away. But where do all these thrown-away things go? What do they become? What could they become? Our linear way of thinking and behaving is being increasingly criticised as landfills overflow, water supplies dry up, and air becomes unbreathable.
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Industry, innovation and infrastructure Natural Sciences News Sustainable cities and communities

No such thing as waste: resource recovery and shifting perceptions

‘Out of sight, out of mind’ is a well-known expression, but one with pernicious effects in the context of waste. We’ve always done things a certain way. Things are made, used, and thrown away. But where do all these thrown-away...
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Industry, innovation and infrastructure Opinions Partnerships for the goals

“MUCED should have been more ambitious”, says former MUCED coordinator Randolph S. Jeremiah

In August 2000, MUCED, a consortium of four Malaysian universities, was formed to encourage new interdisciplinary approaches to environmental management. The consortium was part of a project proposed and supported by the DANCED program of the Danish Ministry of Environment and Energy. Randolph S. Jeremiah became the Coordinator in the Secretariat of MUCED. In this interview he points to some of the key experiences. Today, Randolph works as Head of Water Resources at ERE, a Malaysian consultant company.
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Industry, innovation and infrastructure Opinions

“Basically mathematics is an art”

It was a life changing experience to replace the warm climate of Malaysia to the more cool Scandinavian environment. When the Malaysian engineer Dr. Kumeresan did his Ph.D in Denmark, he benefitted on many levels, both professionally and personally.
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Industry, innovation and infrastructure News Peace, justice and strong institutions

Colombia struggling to improve level of research

A recent initiative of the first Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation in Colombia creates hope in the research-ambience in the country and expectations of stronger budgetary prioritizing of this central area for development in the country.
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Industry, innovation and infrastructure Opinions Quality education

“People expected political transformations and democratisation in a second”

In September 2018, Mostafa Shehata defended his PhD Dissertation: "Newspaper and Social Network Sites in Egypt After the 2011 Revolution: Connective Action, Communication Power and Mediatization of Politics", at Roskilde University (RUC) in Denmark. He concluded that “media can provide a good space for mobilisation for a specific amount of time. But in the long run, you will need strong presence ‘on the ground’, and organisations to support your mobility and your movement”.
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Industry, innovation and infrastructure News Partnerships for the goals Quality education

“I want to give back what I learned to our society”

When Dr. Norazana Ibrahim did her Ph.D. project at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), she could confirm that agricultural waste should be an important energy resource in Malaysia. Now comes the difficult part of commercializing the technology in the Malaysian waste management industries.
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